- 1. Triangle Pose a.k.a Trikonasana
- 2. Downward Dog a.k.a Adho Mukha SvanasanaÂ
- 3. Chair Pose a.k.a Utkatasana
- 4. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose a.k.a Ardha Matsyendrasana
- 5. Warrior 2 a.k.a Virabhadrasana 2
- 6. Cobra Pose a.k.a Bhujangasana
Yoga is an extremely effective way to shed pounds the healthy way. The great thing about it is that every asana has a variety of physical and mental benefits – so while you practise a pose for weight loss, you’ll also experience side ‘benefits’ like increased energy, healthier lungs, and mental clarity. Without further ado, here are 6 yoga asanas for weight loss.
Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss With Video Instructions
1. Triangle Pose a.k.a Trikonasana
The first yoga weight loss pose is Triangle Pose. This is a beginner asana that engages your shoulders, arms, stomach, waist, hips, as well as thighs. So, you’ll lose fat from all these areas. It also improves digestion (important for weight loss!), blood circulation, the nervous system, balance, mental steadiness, and body strength.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you have: diarrhoea, migraine, back pain, high blood pressure, neck injury, vertigo, or shoulder injury.
2. Downward Dog a.k.a Adho Mukha Svanasana
The Downward Dog is a wonderful yoga pose for weight loss. It tones as well as strengthens the arms, thighs, calves, and stomach. Stress contributes to weight gain in many people. If you’re one of them, this pose will help you a whole lot. Downward Dog also corrects droopy posture.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you have: pregnancy, headache, high blood pressure, diarrhoea, acidity, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. Chair Pose a.k.a Utkatasana
Next on our list of yoga asanas for weight loss is the Chair Pose. Suitable for beginners, it’s a powerful ancient squat the yogis practised to increase balance, stamina, and strength. It reduces fat from the thighs, calves, and glutes. It also opens up the chest, boosts blood circulation and increases confidence.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you have: insomnia, high or low blood pressure, knee problems, acute arthritis, and headache.
4. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose a.k.a Ardha Matsyendrasana
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose is widely taught among the yoga poses for weight loss. It’s a great way to get rid of fat in your waist and stomach. This pose is also wonderful for the spine – it stretches it and relieves back pain. Other than that, it opens up the chest, boosts digestion, improves lung capacity, and can reduce menstrual problems too.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you have: neck or spine injury, slip disc, insomnia, headache, or are pregnant or menstruating.
5. Warrior 2 a.k.a Virabhadrasana 2
Next among the yoga exercises for weight loss. Shed fat while you invoke the fierce warrior within you! This pose strengthens and tones the shoulders, back, belly, thighs, and calves. It increases blood flow to the digestive organs and thus helps you burn fat better. It opens up the chest and gives you a tall and confident posture. This is one of the best poses for inner strength and confidence.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you have: high or low blood pressure, diarrhoea, injury in your neck, back, or legs.
6. Cobra Pose a.k.a Bhujangasana
Quite popular among the yoga exercises to lose weight among beginners is the Cobra Pose. Burns fat from the belly excellently and tones the buttocks. At the same time, it beats stress, stretches your spine and shoulders, opens your chest, improves blood circulation, strengthens your lungs, and relieves back pain. It’s quite easy to learn, and it leaves you feeling motivated and energised.
How to do it:
Don’t do it if you are: pregnant or menstruating, or have asthma, spine injury, neck issues, ulcers, hernia, high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, or headache.
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