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- 1. Ginger Rekindles The Digestive Fire.
- 2. Haritaki Balances The Doshas.
- 3. Amla Is Good For Digestive Health.
- 4. Lavanga Reduces Acidity & Nausea.
- 5. Dos & Don’ts On How To Improve Digestion.
According to Ayurveda, the source of every disease lies in your gut! Issues that sprout up due to digestive problems hamper the entire functioning of your body. Ailments like diarrhea, constipation as well as abdominal cramps result from poor eating habits. When the food isn’t digested properly, the waste remains inside your body – causing acne, dull skin and toxin-filled blood. So, how to digest food faster? How to improve digestion? And, how to maintain your digestive health? Let us tell you!
Symptoms Of Digestive Problems
- Poor appetite
- Belching (Pitta imbalance)
- Excessive formation of wind (Vata imbalance)
- Nausea (Kapha imbalance)
- Gastric pain
- Bloating
- Abdominal distress
How To Improve Digestion?
1. Ginger Rekindles The Digestive Fire.
Ayurveda believes that digestive problems are a consequence of lowered digestive fire. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory root that helps heal burning sensations as well as acidity in your gut. The juices assist in quick digestion and increase appetite. So, add one tablespoon of ginger juice, lemon juice, and honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink this early in the morning daily to enhance your digestive health.
2. Haritaki Balances The Doshas.
How to improve digestion caused by dosha imbalance? Take a teaspoon of Haritaki powder with water twice every day. Haritaki, also known as Terminalia Chebula, helps relieve digestive problems like constipation. It is used in Triphala powder for dosha pacification.
3. Amla Is Good For Digestive Health.
Amla or the Indian gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C. It is considered effective in stimulating your digestive fire. The fruit also promotes a stronger immune system to battle against several related diseases. Therefore, take around 3-4 amla fruits and blend them with a cup of water to make a juice. Add a little black salt for taste. Drink twice every day for better results.
4. Lavanga Reduces Acidity & Nausea.
Clove (lavanga) is a culinary spice used in every Indian kitchen. It has the ability to reduce acidity as well as gas in the stomach. It is also beneficial for oral health as it is antibacterial in nature. Therefore, boil 4-5 cloves in a cup of water. Steep the tea for about 5 minutes and strain. Drink once daily for quick relief.
5. Dos & Don’ts On How To Improve Digestion.
- Avoid overeating. Eat in right portions as well as proportions.
- Chew your food at least 32 times before swallowing i.e. drink your food and not eat it.
- Follow a simple rule – 2 parts of solids, 1 part liquid and 1 part empty. That’s how you improve digestion.
- Cook your food with love and care.
- Eat fresh too!
- Eat only when you feel hungry.
- Use seasonal fruits as well as veggies.
- Include fiber-rich edibles.
- Have food that’s easy to digest.
- Prefer having whole foods, unrefined cereals, rock salt, cow’s milk, ghee and/or honey.
- Having food in an unstable mood leads to digestive problems. Stay calm!
- Eat your last meal 2-3 hours before sleeping.
- Do not forget to hydrate yourself.
Note: Articles on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness on natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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