Kapha Dosha is weighty amongst all the three doshas. It comprises of the earth and water properties. Embodying lubrication, structure, and stability that our body needs, these characteristics help equalize Vata’s movement & Pitta’s metabolism. Functions Kapha dosha relates to being steady, loyal and compassionate
Understanding Pitta Dosha – Fire & Water

Digestion is a very critical aspect of one’s health and Pitta dosha is the one that governs this metabolism along with other heat related things. Pitta is a combination of the Fire (Agni) and Water (Jal) elements. This is the “dosha of transformation”. And wherever
Understanding Vata Dosha – Air and Space

According to Ayurveda everything in this universe is made up of the Panch Mahabhutas or the Five Great Elements — Space (Akasha), Air (Vaayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal), and Earth (Prithvi). And the Doshas that create our physical bodies along with being responsible for the