Whether you’re on a holiday or have a hectic schedule, lifestyle and eating habits sometimes take a setback. This is when most of you turn towards a detox diet. It allows you to revive your health in the safest way! To recalibrate your habits, effectively remove
How To Detox Your Body? Try These Tips To Eliminate The Toxins!

Detoxification is an alternative treatment which supports the removal of toxic substances from the body. We often stuff our bodies with harmful foods and beverages. Alcohol, cigarette smoking, drugs or environmental pollutants further cause damage. However, with the change of every season, it ‘s essential to go for
Body Detox: 7 Reasons Why A Full Body Cleanse Is Important

A majority of the essentials that we require today are toxic for us in one way or the other. From cosmetics to food products, use of artificial as well as chemical-based ingredients is increasing day by day. This, in the long run, affects our overall well-being.
Harad Benefits: The Mother of Herbs in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a blessing for each one of us to maintain a balanced and healthy life. It naturally cures diseases and helps achieve stability in the mind and body. Haritaki in Ayurveda (also called harad) is one such medicine that’s essentially a king and has
10 Fantastic Coriander Benefits You Might Not Want To Miss

There is just no one in the world who wouldn’t like including aromatic herbs and spices in their cuisines? Coriander is one such herb. It adds flavour to your food and facilitates overall wellbeing. Coriander is prominent in the Indian, Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. According to Ayurveda, coriander