- 1. It Relaxes The Nerves & Muscles.
- 2. It Heals Digestive Issues.
- 3. It Controls High BP.
- 4. It Lowers The Body Temperature.
- 5. It Calms The Mind.
Are you someone whose work includes physical exertion? Do you often find yourself engaging in heated arguments? The reason could be heightened body temperature and a Pitta imbalance. According to Ayurveda, the heat inside the body can result in irritation as well as other negative emotions. These disrupt your routine and, in turn, lead to self-harm. So, what’s the solution? Practice cooling pranayama every day and set yourself free from such situations. Sheetali pranayama is essential for people who get hot flashes or are exposed to direct sunlight. But first … what is Sheetali pranayama, how does it benefit and to do it? Keep reading!
Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Pranayama)
Sheetali Pranayama is known as cooling breath. It is an exercise that activates a cooling mechanism in the body with the help of a breathing technique. “Sheet” is a Sanskrit word meaning cold. The Sheetali pranayama is a form of Hatha yoga. People often confuse this pranayama with Sheetkari pranayama. However, both have similar effects but are different. Also, Ayurveda suggests practicing Sheetakri pranayama if you cannot roll your tongue.
Sheetali Pranayama Benefits
1. It Relaxes The Nerves & Muscles.
Cooling pranayama:
- Prevents damaging the nerves
- Gets rid of muscle stiffness
- Supports the nervous as well as muscle health
In short, Sheetali pranayama benefits in reducing body inflammation.
2. It Heals Digestive Issues.
Aggravated Pitta leads to digestive issues like constipation as well as stomach ache. Therefore, cooling pranayama pacifies Pitta treating digestive issues, enlarged spleen, and hyperacidity.
3. It Controls High BP.
When an individual gets angry, their body temperature as well as blood flow increase. Sheetali pranayama or the cooling pranayama controls the blood flow in such a situation regulating cardiovascular health.
4. It Lowers The Body Temperature.
People who spend their day outdoors in hot weather may find their body temperature rising. Even due to a pitta imbalance, the body can heat. In such a case, Sheetali pranayama benefits to cool the body. It is also known to bring down fevers.
5. It Calms The Mind.
Every form of yoga or meditation is designed to provide you with absolute mental relief. Thus, cooling pranayama reduces stress as well as encourages a positive attitude amongst people with rigid temperament.
How To Do Sheetali Pranayama?
Use this video to perfect the Sheetali.
- Do not practice Sheetali if you have low blood pressure.
- Avoid this exercise during the winters.
- Do not to practice the cooling pranayama if suffering from cold, cough as well as asthma.
Note: Articles on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness on natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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