Can not sleeping, make you gain weight? Of course, there is a connection between having quality sleep and maintaining an appealing waistline. Imbalance can leave drastic side effects on your health. Here are the reasons for weight gain and its correlation with maintaining a better sleep cycle.
Sleep Deprivation And Weight Gain: The Connection
Your sleep routine and that increasing weight have a strong correlation. If not losing weight, you at least maintain a steady body weight while you have a good night’s sleep. However, one of the primary reasons for weight gain is sleep deprivation. This is why your metabolic rate starts to drop. And it shows even on your skin.
Ghrelin and leptin (hormones that signal you when to eat and when to stop) become irregular. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin levels, which causes you to overeat since you cannot get the required signals to stop eating. And ghrelin increases, creating a confusing state for your body which leads to weight gain and you tend to eat more. So, it’s a deadly combination and critical reason for weight gain.
Reasons For Weight Gain
1. Snacking More
It’s pretty hard to resist snacking urges when you sleep less and feel lethargic. You are low on energy and the body, therefore, thinks it’s hungry for which you start finding comfort in your food.
2. Stressing Out
One of the main reasons for weight gain is no sleep and more stress. In fact, sleep deprivation results in chronic stress build up. Eventually, this slows down your body’s mechanism to add the extra kilos.
3. Hormonal Imbalance
A good night’s sleep that lasts around seven to eight hours helps you balance your hunger hormones, else it elevates those levels making you go for a bigger meals. So, it is obvious that less sleep causes weight gain. Leptin and ghrelin that govern our diet, produce signals that ask you to eat more and the calories remain unutilized throughout the time.
4. Burning Lesser Calories
It is rightly said that regular exercising makes you fit and leaves you feeling rejuvenated. But similar is the case with sleep. When you have a good quality sleep, you burn almost 60 to 65% of your total calories. The remaining 30 to 35% get used up in daily activities.
Solutions To The Problem Of Weight Gain
Troubleshoot your issues with an improved and enhanced sleeping routine. Don’t listen to what others have to say, but instead, realize it for yourself that a good quality sleep will only help you cut that fat. Balance out the ratio between how much you sleep, how well you sleep and for how long you should be sleeping. Say no to caffeine and stop stressing. On the other hand, say yes to exercising and watch your activities before bed time. Don’t get disheartened if you aren’t seeing the results of your healthy diet or workout. Because there’s a simple reason for weight gain and that’s being sleep deprived!
Note: This article is solely for the purpose of sharing information. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So before using anything to treat yourself, always consult your doctor.
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