Ever heard of dragon fruit? Native to Central and South America, this fruit has been an important part of folk medicine for a long time. There are three kinds of dragon fruit. The most popular one is red and spiky – a fruit you cannot
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Hibiscus Flower Beauty Benefits You’d Wish You Knew Earlier!

Hibiscus is a beautiful fragrant flower that’s commonly found in India, but is also a culinary delight in various international cuisines. You can find it in red, yellow as well as orange. The hibiscus flower has tremendous health benefits for the human body. It prevents hair loss,
5 Cucumber Benefits For Skin You Don’t Want To Miss

If you don’t already know about the cucumber benefits for skin, here are 5 simple ways to use this yummy food for a beauty boost. Cucumber forms a part of various Ayurvedic formulations to improve skin health. It is wonderfully soothing for those with aggravated
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): Symptoms And Treatment

Imagine a situation where you are just lying on the bed with a sensation similar to having frizzy soda stuffed in your legs along with a tingling sensation? In case it sounds familiar, then you are a victim of the Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). This
Oolong Tea Benefits And Noteworthy Side Effects

Having the qualities of green tea and black tea, the traditional and robust oolong tea is a powerhouse of the essential minerals. It contains manganese, calcium, copper, and potassium. However, despite the oolong tea benefits, there also are a few oolong tea side effects due
8 Natural Facial Masks For 4 Skin Types

Applying facial masks removes toxins and dead cells, nourishes your skin, and treats issues like dullness and acne. Ayurvedic beauty recipes are some of the absolute best – they contain zero artificial chemicals, you can do them at home, and they are usually quite gentle
Know Your Dosha: A Guide To The 3 Ayurvedic Mind-Body Types

The system of Ayurveda is based on the fact that the 5 elements make up everything in the Universe – space, air, fire, water, and earth. Each one of us has these elements, but in different proportions. Two elements combine to form each dosha. Your dosha decides everything
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects: Because Too Much Of It Is Harmful

It is no surprise how beneficial apple cider vinegar (ACV) is for the human health. ACV is an all-in-one cure for multiple health issues. Almost everyone can benefit from this wonderful ingredient. But, with the regular consumption arises another question – is apple cider vinegar
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”
–The Bhagavad Gita
Arnica: A Medicinal Herb With Tons of Health Benefits

A relative of the sunflower, arnica is an important homeopathic herb. Native to Europe, it has been used for centuries. It’s also called mountain tobacco (because shepherds used to smoke it!), wolf’s bane, and leopard’s bane. It’s most often used as an oil, but is