Lentils deserve an important place in your diet, whether you are non-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan, or anything else. Packed with nutrients, these super foods are highly valued in Ayurveda. In India, they are typically enjoyed in the form of ‘dals’ or lentil soups. They are delicious
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Yoga For Glowing Skin: Health Inside, Radiance Outside!

One of the reasons I love yoga so much is that its benefits are so varied and holistic. This practice improves not only health (on the physical, mental as well as emotional levels), but it can also help you look the best version of yourself.
6 Surprisingly Great Sowa a.k.a Dill Health Benefits

Dill is a long used Ayurvedic spice that has multiple medicinal properties. Also called ‘sowa’ in India, this spice not only adds a great flavour to food, but boost health in various ways. This pungent tasting spice can be cooked with your food as well
Picrorhiza Kurroa a.k.a Kutki – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Picrorhiza kurroa, also called kutki in India, is a potent Ayurvedic herb. Found in the Himalayas, it offers a variety of uses in Ayurveda. Uses Of Picrorhiza Kurroa It pacifies the Pitta and Kapha doshas. It gets rid of excess heat in the body. The
Did You Know About These Amazing Asian (Panax) Ginseng Uses?

Asian ginseng, also called panax ginseng, Korean ginseng, and red ginseng, is a highly valued herb in Ayurveda. Its use originated thousands of years ago in China, and later spread to India where Ayurvedic experts discovered its immense medicinal value. This herb is packed with
A Bunch Of Fantastic Black Pepper Benefits For Your Health

Black pepper comes from the fruit of the black pepper plant. It is one of the most long used medicines in Ayurveda and popular spices in the world. That’s because it is loaded with healing nutrients and substances like piperine, which we will discuss in
Benefits Of Cinnamon: An Ancient Spice With Super Powers!

What is cinnamon? A widely used spice in Ayurveda, cinnamon comes from the inner bark of the cinnamon zeylanicum tree. Here’s a fun fact: in ancient times, it was used as currency! This should give you an idea of the powerful benefits of cinnamon that
Joy and sorrow come to all. Sorrow brings depth and joy broadens our mind. We should serve in joy and sacrifice in sorrow.
– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Psoriasis Treatment In Ayurveda: Things You Must Know About!

What is psoriasis? It’s a condition that degenerates your skin cells. Psoriasis results from aggravated Vata as well as Kapha. These lead to a toxic buildup in your blood, plasma, and muscles. Therefore, steroids aren’t a solution. Natural remedies, particularly psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda is
8 Healthy Foods To Eat Everyday For A Better Body And Mind

The system of Ayurveda recognises that the food you eat decides not only how physically fit you are – but also how you think and feel on a daily basis. Plenty of modern studies confirm this. With these 8 healthy foods to eat everyday, experience the