Yoga is one of the best activities for the body, mind, as well as the soul. If you’ve been struggling with stubborn belly fat, there’s a high chance that learning and practising a bunch of yoga poses everyday can help you entirely get rid of it.
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Difficulty In Swallowing (Dysphagia): Symptoms & Dysphagia Treatment

If you often face difficulty in swallowing your food, do not take it lightly. This could be a serious problem. And dysphagia is the medical term used for it. The dysphagia causes include neurological as well as throat related ailments. And, these can eventually lead
Triphala Eye Wash: An Ayurvedic Self-Care Remedy

When you spend your entire day working on laptops, desktops or mobile phones, the damage isn’t significantly visible at first. However, with time, the health of your eyes starts deteriorating. But, when it comes to making use of Triphala, there’s no better remedy to enhance your vision.
6 Brilliant Barley Benefits You Ought To Know About!

Native to Europe and Asia, barley has a long history – it was among the first grains humans have grown. This humble whole grain also happens to have immense health value. In Ayurveda, it is considered a great food for those with Kapha aggravation, and
5 Impressive Tej Patta a.k.a Bay Leaf Uses To Discover

Bay leaves (Laurus nobilis), also called tej patta in India, are among the most used herbs in Ayurvedic cooking. These are no ordinary leaves! Coming from the laurel tree, the aromatic tej patta has held an important place in traditional medicine for ages. That’s because they
6 Plant-Based Foods That Improve Memory And Concentration

Ayurvedic experts have for long known that foods have potent medicinal properties and can boost your brain power significantly. Today, many researchers are discovering these benefits too. Here is how to improve memory and concentration with these 6 vegetarian foods. 6 Plant Based Foods That
A Valued Ayurvedic Fruit: 6 Remarkable Health Benefits of Bananas

Ayurvedic experts encourage eating a diet rich in fruits. And bananas are among the most valued fruits in Ayurveda. They are great for those with excess Vata since their properties are moisturising, nourishing. This fruit contains a whole bunch of nutrients and therefore has medicinal
How To Stop Biting Nails? 7 Reasons That’ll Make You Do So Right Away!

If you are in a habit of biting nails, then others must have asked you to stop. Be it in a stressful situation or just otherwise, nail-biting never does any good to your health. It only makes you a host to a number of bacterial infections
Want A Clear Voice? Here Are Natural Home Remedies For Hoarseness

Hoarseness is a state in which one’s voice changes abnormally. It may sound strained or the loudness and pitch may change. In Ayurveda, hoarseness is called “Swarabheda” and in medical terms, it is known as laryngitis. A person with hoarseness may also suffer from a coated
Saffron For Infants: 7 Miraculous Health Benefits

Saffron is a spice that comes from the flower of the saffron crocus. It goes by the name of kesar in India. Over the centuries, people have used it for its tremendous beauty and health benefits. In Ayurveda, Saffron classifies as a tridoshara – an effective destroyer of unbalanced air, heat, and phlegm