A diaper rash may develop in case of too much moisture, which is why a baby’s diaper is the place where such infections can dwell. Diaper rashes can be minor but also major and painful for the baby. The first and foremost of the diaper
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Convolvulus Pluricaulis a.k.a Morning Glory – Benefits, Dosage And Side Effects

Convolvulus Pluricaulis is the scientific name for morning glory or English speedwheel. In India, it’s called shankhapushpi. This bitter tasting Ayurvedic herb is prescribed for a variety of health conditions. Benefits of Convolvulus Pluricaulis It cools the body. It pacifies Pitta and Kapha. One of
Ant Bites: How To Get Rid Of Ant Bites & The Related Discomforts?

Ant bites aren’t really that risky, but these pesky insects do prick some amount of poison. For skin that is sensitive, the ant sting can easily spread. So, how to get rid of ant bites and the associated distress? What to put on ant bites
Anti-Aging Home Remedies To Help You Age Gracefully

Aging is an inevitable process. It can be harsh…but can’t it also be beautiful? Can’t we accept the circumstances as well as age gracefully? Can’t we switch to a healing mindset and use anti-aging home remedies – rather than destructive medications with disturbing side effects? Yes, we certainly can! What
Absence Of Menstruation (Amenorrhea): Women’s Health Issues & More

In simple words, amenorrhea is a condition where a woman does not get her periods. It is a state of absence of menstruation. Poor lifestyle as well as unhealthy eating habits are the major amenorrhea causes that deteriorate women’s health. They lead to critical amenorrhea symptoms
Amyloidosis: What Is Amyloidosis And It’s Ayurvedic Treatment

Amyloidosis is a life-threatening disease that can hamper the functioning of your entire system. It leads to the accumulation of an uncommon protein that can also cause organ failure when left untreated. The amyloidosis symptoms include joint pain, excessive fatigue as well as an enlarged
What Is Dyslexia: Understanding The Learning & Attention Disorder

What is dyslexia? It’s basically a disorder that makes it difficult for a child or a person to communicate as well as understand like other people of their age. The inability to take instructions or learn new words is among the primary dyslexia symptoms. The
Pleuritic Chest Pain: Alleviate Pleurisy The Ayurvedic Way

Pleuritic chest pain is a common symptom observed when you have pleurisy. This is a respiratory disease that leads to the inflammation of pleura, a membrane surrounding your lungs as well as the rib cage. Due to the infection, it becomes difficult for you to breathe, which
Enrich Your Diet With These 5 Foods That Decrease Inflammation

Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing – it plays a vital role in your body’s immune response to illness. But when you have inflammation in your body even when there’s no health threat, you have a problem you ought to deal with. Inflammation is linked
Pneumonia Symptoms, Causes & Effective Home Remedies

Pneumonia is a condition wherein your lungs get filled with pus to eventually become solid. A viral, bacterial or fungal infection can induce lung inflammation that leads to such a respiratory disease. Pneumonia causes fever, bleeding cough as well as difficulty in breathing, which can