Ayurveda believes that the external atmosphere has a direct impact on the internal atmosphere, that is, our health. Ayurveda lays out specific measures to be followed in every season. This is based on the variations of the weather affecting the physiological processes of the body.
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Turmeric Milk: How To Make This Ayurvedic Golden Milk

Turmeric is one of the most valued Ayurvedic spices. When combined with milk, it makes for an excellent health tonic called turmeric milk, also popularly called Golden milk. This drink balances all 3 dosha. It also reduces inflammation, lowers stress, boosts immunity, detoxifies the body,
Vitamin C Rich Foods: Have These To Curb The Deficiency!

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that your body does not produce on it own, but you need to ingest. It keeps your connective tissues nourished and also acts as an antioxidant. In order to maintain the supply, you need to keep having the best
Foods To Avoid In Acidity (And A List Of Foods You Can Enjoy)

Acidity can certainly be an uncomfortable thing. It causes symptoms like heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching, and even painful ulcers. It results from various factors like a poor diet, genes, and alcohol abuse. One of the most important things to do if you have acidity due
Red Bell Pepper Benefits: You’ll Be Surprised – We Promise!

Red bell peppers, also known as red peppers and red capsicum, belong to the nightshade family. They are pacifying for Kapha types, while being aggravating for Pitta and Vata. This crunchy and flavourful veggie has been a part of Indian cooking for a very long
Hashimoto’s Disease Treatment + Hashimoto Diet Guide

Hashimoto’s disease, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disorder that affects your thyroid gland. As the severity starts to increase, working of your thyroid gland also deteriorates. Your system allows the antibodies to attack your own tissues. So, for the same reason, an
Alopecia (Female Or Male Pattern Baldness) Treatment

Whether you are a man or a woman, your hair is your crowning glory and losing them is always an unpleasant experience. So, stop chocking your scalp with chemicals and start looking after them – or else you’ll be a victim of alopecia! What is
Heart Health Tips For Strength, Longevity & Heart Disease Prevention

The heart, or ‘hrudaya’ as known in Ayurveda, controls the flow of prana (life force energy) in the body. As we know, the heart is where all main blood vessels originate. Apart from its biological importance and position, it is also the hub or source
Hemochromatosis Symptoms (Iron Overload) & Home Remedies

Hemochromatosis in simple words is an iron overload. It eventually leads to iron poisoning or iron toxicity which in turn may cause an organ failure. Abdominal pain, high blood sugar, and hypothyroidism are a few hemochromatosis symptoms. Therefore, a hemochromatosis diet as well as home
Benefits Of Mint Leaves: A Refreshing Natural Medicine

If we have to describe mint leaves, the words that come to mind are: fresh, cool, and aromatic. Mint, or pudina as it is popularly known in India, is a herb grown in almost every part of the world. Because of the health benefits of