Canker sores are definitely painful, and they appear in clusters on your tongue, inside the lips or on the lining of your cheeks. These make your eating and talking experiences pretty uncomfortable. But they don’t really last for a long time. What causes canker sores?
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How To Increase Height Naturally: An Ayurvedic Perspective

It is said that height of an individual tends to grow up to a particular age. For men its 25 years and for women it’s 21 years. However, with the right diet and better lifestyle changes right from the beginning, one can still go on
Cushing Syndrome (Hypercortisolism) Symptoms & Treatment

Cushing syndrome is often referred to as Cushing disease – but these are actually two different conditions. Cushing’s disease happens due to a pituitary gland tumor which excessively secrets the cortisol hormone. Cushing’s syndrome, on the other hand, occurs regardless of any cause. The initial
Athlete’s Foot Treatment – Essential Home Remedies

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common skin inflammation that just doesn’t affect an athlete but anyone with unhygienic habits, a weak immunity, or who is exposed to the bacteria. The infection appears on the foot or in between the toes and can also
How To Get Rid Of Age Spots Fast? Head To Your Kitchen!

Ageing is something nobody can stop. But if the signs of ageing showing up on your face bother you, you can certainly make them less visible. Age spots are among the most common and disliked signs of ageing. The exact cause is unknown, but factors
Leucorrhoea Treatment in Ayurveda: Home Remedies and Diet Suggestions

Pathological leucorrhoea is a thick, yellowish foul smelling vaginal discharge that often brings with it symptoms like vaginal itchiness, fatigue, weakness, headache, and digestive problems. In Ayurveda, this is called ‘shveta pradar’, which translates to white discharge. We want to assure you that it’s nothing
Flax Seeds Side Effects – Find Out Now

Flax seeds are widely endorsed as highly nutritious food – and they sure are. They’re one of the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids for vegans. Being rich in fibre, they help with digestive problems and weight loss. And they’ve got loads of the
Celiac Disease (Gluten Intolerance): Symptoms & Treatment

Gluten, the most talked about substance today triggers a lot of reactions in the human body as not many are tolerant towards it. Celiac disease is one of the conditions that results from gluten intolerance to seriously affect your digestive system. But, what is gluten?
Enhance Your Sex Life With Mood And Energy Boosting Ayurvedic Herbs

It’s a no-brainer that when you have high energy levels and experience more positive moods, your sex life improves. But this isn’t always the case. A busy life as well as other factors like weakness, environmental pollution, and stress can drain the body and mind. So every now and then,
Harmful Effects Of Coffee When You Take Too Much

Coffee! For many of us there’s nothing better than to wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Sipping it livens up every cell of our being and helps get our day started. Coffee is one of the most popular warm beverages in the