Oatmeal is undoubtedly among the healthiest breakfast foods on the planet. Whole grains like oats are an important in the Ayurvedic diet, since they classify as sattvic food. Oatmeal is super easy to cook and quite versatile too – you can make it sweet as
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8 Effective And Must-Try Asthma Treatments In Ayurveda

Asthma is a lung disease. When the air passage of your system narrows down because of exposure to pollutants in the air, an individual suffers from shortness of breath, cough, and tightening of the chest. Asthma is a chronic disease and the patient has to stay
Home Remedies For Allergies: Simple Ingredients For Instant Relief

Allergy is a condition wherein the immune system of a person reacts to certain environmental substances and leads to noticeable skin or respiratory issues. The signs include rashes, cough, itching, running nose, and watery eyes. Difficulty in breathing and digestion related ailments can also manifest as a result of allergic
A List Of Cooling Herbs For Summer Heat & Excess Pitta

Why take cooling herbs? Ayurveda emphasises the importance of balance in the elements within us. When the fire element (found in Pitta dosha) gets aggravated, this can throw the body as well as mind off balance. Pitta types are most prone to this, but it
Wheezing Sound Treatment: Home Remedies For Wheezing

Wheezing is a sharp sound that occurs while breathing. It’s commonly experienced during old age. What causes wheezing? A wheezing sound is heard when the air passages get blocked, inflamed or contracted. These hurdles in the air passages make breathing difficult, resulting in a wheezing
Boil On The Inner Thigh? Try These Home Remedies!

A boil on the inner thigh can be more irritating than on any other part of the body. Such bumps are a result of friction as well as moisture trapped for a long period of time. They fill up with pus, are red in color,
Aromatherapy Oils For Stress Relief: You’ll Be Thankful You Tried!

Aromatherapy is an ancient and powerful technique that’s been used in Ayurveda for a long time now. This therapy relies on essential oils derived from plants that have potent medicinal properties. They can therefore do wonders for mental health conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
Is Heat Exhaustion Bothering You? Here Are Some Home Remedies!

What is heat exhaustion? It’s essentially a heat sickness where your body temperature gets excessively high. The body’s cooling mechanism that maintains the temperature starts to fail. It causes uncontrollable sweating, headache as well as the feelings of dizziness. These heat exhaustion symptoms are easy to recognize. And
Breakfast Foods List: 6 Healthiest Things To Eat In The Morning!

What’s on your breakfast foods list? “Eat a healthy breakfast” is a very well-known piece of advice. But not many take this seriously. Breakfast literally means to ‘break your fast’. That is because of the long time since our last meal. So we have to
Cabbage Juice Benefits: An Effective Health Tonic + Recipe

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that’s used to prepare many different kinds of dishes. Having medicinal properties, cabbage benefits your system overall. Therefore, it is widely used in salads, vegetable stews, and even soups. Cabbage juice is now becoming a trend, attracting more and more