Also known as moringa, the drumstick vegetable gets its name from the seed pods that are slender and long – just like drumsticks! There are so many drumstick benefits, that this vegetable is an essential part of the south-Indian diet. While the seeds and leaves are
- Latest posts on Ayurvedum
Renal Failure (Chronic Kidney Disease): Symptoms & Treatment

In Ayurveda, renal failure is the blockage of fluid-carrying channels that either shrink your kidneys or lead to excessive swelling. These minute channels, known as ‘srotas’ (mutravaha srotas in this case) are responsible for carrying liquids or urine in and out of the kidneys. When
Side Effects Of Antidepressants You Didn’t Know About

Depression is no joke – on bad days, even getting out of bed can seem daunting. Luckily, people are now slowly growing to understand mental health and handle it better, thanks to awareness campaigns. In fact, depression was the theme of International Yoga Day 2017!
Mustard Oil (Sarso Tel) Benefits For Your Hair, Skin & Much More!

Mustard oil or sarso tel is an Ayurvedic miracle that revitalizes your entire system. It is said to be the Asian olive oil as it contains similar amounts of nutrients. Mustard has been used as a popular household spice, a medicinal effective herb, and a flavoring agent. The
Home Remedies For Yeast Infection: Easy & Effective

Yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that usually develops in the mouth, throat, blood, and in the genital areas. Also known as Candidiasis, it results from a type of yeast called candida. This yeast lives on our bodies in tiny amounts. Candida prefers moist as well as warm areas of
Why Are Processed Foods Bad? 7 Reasons To Avoid This Poison!

Today, almost every kind of food product can be packaged. Be it processed, frozen, canned meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, probiotic drinks, dairy products, diet snacks, ready-to-eat meals…go to a supermarket and you can find it all! Yes, it is very convenient – but do you
Angina Pectoris Treatment: Home Remedies For Faster Recovery

Angina pectoris is a syndrome associated with chest pains that happen due to reduced blood flow towards your heart. The angina symptoms include chest heaviness, burning as well as chest tightening. The angina causes are explained as a blockage in the arteries due to various reasons.
What Is Tarragon? A Potent Spring Herb For Good Health!

Medicinal plants are known for their healing properties. For centuries, so many of them have been in use for treatment purposes. Tarragon is one such plant that does not have any major side effects and offers several health benefits. But, what is tarragon? It’s a potent
Men’s Sexual Health Tips: These 6 Are Worth Following

A decline in the quality of your sex life doesn’t have to be permanent – there are plenty of ways for men to give their sexual health a much needed boost. And this doesn’t involve spending large amounts of money, or even time. Some simple
Uses of Tea Tree Oil Worth Knowing About (Recipes Included!)

A quick online browse about health or beauty, and you’re sure to come across the uses of Tea tree oil. You can use it to prepare your own Ayurvedic home remedies for a whole range of purposes. We’ll show you how! 5 Quick Facts… Tea