Healthy living is the union of a sound mind, free spirit, and a disease-free body. For this to happen, you must incorporate certain necessary lifestyle changes. Ayurveda focuses on balancing the three energies – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these are in tune, you’re able
- Latest posts on Ayurvedum
Khadirarishta: An Ayurvedic Skin And Blood Purifier
Khadirarishta is an all-in-one solution for most of your skin problems. It’s a formulation particularly beneficial for blood, skin, as well as intestinal disorders. The syrup is dark brown in color, has a 10-year shelf life and is sweet-astringent in taste. Usage as per prescription
Ginger Water: One Simple Tonic, Several Health Benefits!
For most of us who are fond of lemon, cinnamon, and cucumber-infused detox drinks, ginger water is another must-try health potion. Ginger is a heating spice that increases Pitta. Having a pungent and sweet taste also makes it cool. However, its warming energy calms the
Raw Food Diet: Does Ayurveda Advise Eating Raw Food?
Does Ayurveda advise eating raw foods? And if so, what are the health benefits and effects on the doshas? The sages of ancient India lived a life meditating in caves and mountains. Surviving on a diet of wild plants, fruits, and seeds, they were fit
12 Major Raw Garlic Side Effects: Unexpected And Lesser-Known
Garlic has been in use for thousands of years now. Presence of allicin gives it a pungent and strong taste. Ayurveda recognizes garlic as a powerful herb and spice but not as an everyday superfood. Cooking destroys the nutrition, however, raw garlic retains the ability to
Health Benefits Of Strawberries That’ll Make You Go “WOW!”
Ruby red, heart-shaped, juicy, and the delicious sweet-and-tarty taste…strawberries are among the most adored fruits. The strawberry fruit benefits have been recognized since ages. The Greeks identify them as the ‘symbol of love’ while the Chinese hail them as the ‘queen of fruits’. In Ayurveda,
Intermittent Fasting: What Is It, How’s It Done & What Are The Benefits?
Fasting isn’t a new concept. It’s an age-old tradition that strengthens Agni (digestive fire), eliminates the accumulated ama (harmful toxins) and helps you lose weight. The principles of fasting extend the rights and wrongs as well as tell us who can fast and who shouldn’t. Since Ayurveda recognizes
Thigh Exercises: A Workout That Requires No Equipment
Thigh exercises are great for people who are conscious about their body. A lot of women have thick thighs which makes it difficult for them to wear clothes of their choice. Not just that, it eventually develops cellulite. In such circumstances, thigh stretches along with
Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Must-Haves To Transform Your Overall Health
When it comes to holistic health care, even gradual dietary additions prove sustainable as well as adaptive for the body. You don’t have to necessarily make any drastic adjustments. Similarly, anti-inflammatory foods help restore cellular health. These do not make you feel deprived of any
Ayurvedic Benefits Of Helichrysum Oil: Powerful and Protective
Helichrysum plant is known as Immortelle and Everlasting. It belongs to the Compositae family. Its pure essential oil is extracted from the yellow flowers through steam distillation. The oil’s energy is warming as well as moisturizing. Helichrysum oil benefits the body and mind in numerous