Did you know that women experience higher rates of PTSD than men? Because they’re more often victims of rape, sexual abuse as well as domestic violence. Eating disorders and body image issues are also much more prevalent among women. Moreover pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation often
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Nasal Rinse: How To Use A Neti Pot & How It Benefits Nasal Congestion
Neti is a Sanskrit word that means nasal. Ayurveda uses the Neti technique a.k.a. Neti Kriya to clear your nasal passages off any environmental pollution. It basically waves off the imbalanced Kapha. A neti pot is the device that assists you in the process. A
Exercise For Your Dosha: A Workout Guide For Vata, Pitta & Kapha
Exercise for your dosha – this is a precious piece of advice given to us by Ayurvedic experts. As per Ayurveda, there are three mind-body types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are known as doshas. Since each of them has individual characteristics, weaknesses and needs,
Vegetarian Kids Should Eat Plenty Of These 5 Vital Nutrient Sources
Vegetarian kids enjoy a range of health benefits. They tend to have lower levels of cholesterol, blood pressure as well as body weight. But some times, parents need a little guidance when it comes to preventing nutrient deficiencies in their children. It’s important to ensure
Fatigue Management For Women: Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Extreme fatigue in women is not uncommon, given the fact that millions of women juggle work, household chores, and bringing up the kids. And if you’re a single mother, life can naturally be a huge challenge with little time for yourself. But not to worry
Occupational Health: Here’s How Ayurveda Benefits You At Work
Taking care of your health is a lifelong commitment. It requires efforts each day, be at home or at work. At home, it’s somewhat easier but at work, it’s the opposite. Workplace health includes the encouragement of positive work habits along with a healthy environment.
Is Bulgur Healthy? What Is This Grain All About?
Today we are going to tell you about a staple in middle eastern cuisine that’s very healthy and delicious – bulgur. “What is bulgur?”, many ask. Bulgur is cracked and parboiled whole wheat. It is very similar in texture to couscous. The bulgur grain, like most
Vitamin A Foods: Plant Based Dietary Sources To Protect Your Body
Vitamin A or you can say Vitamin Eye, is a fat-soluble compound that’s stored in your liver and protects your vision. However, it does much more than just safeguarding your eyesight. Enriched with essential antioxidants, this vitamin helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A foods help cover up
Mustard Greens: Nutrient-Rich Sumptuous Leaves + Recipe Included
Appearing similar to spinach and kale, the very popular sarson ka saag or mustard greens is more peculiar than the others. Mustard leaves are really a class apart! These are quick to grow and widely available around the globe. They are a bitter-bland, crunchy and
Remedies For Menstrual Cramps: Diet, Lifestyle & Herbs
Menstrual cramps barely make a difference for a few lucky women. For many, they are bearable. But for others, period cramps are a dreadful experience. If you belong to the third category, worry not. There is hope! Following the right diet and lifestyle, along with