Ayurveda suggests drinking water that has been stored overnight in a copper vessel to maintain good health. Drinking this therapeutic water stored in copper vessel called ‘Tamra jal’ first and foremost thing in the morning on empty stomach is an age old ayurvedic practice. It
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How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Acne Without Using Chemical Drugs?

Acne breakouts during youth or adulthood bother millions of people across the world. Usually, acne problems result from hormonal imbalance. So, how to get rid of hormonal acne? Hormonal acne causes include excess stress as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. So, it is advised to
Apricot Health Benefits: A Yummy Fruit Packed With Goodness

Apricot is a wonder food in all respects. It looks beautiful, tastes great, and there are tons of apricot health benefits. We know about the apricot fruit in its dried form. But Ayurveda recommends we eat it fresh, as it tends to lose much of