Neem, a popular and magical medicinal herb is an essential ingredient in plenty home remedies and ayurvedic medicines. It is well known for its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem leaves detoxify blood, stimulate the immune system, promote a healthy respiratory & digestive system and improve
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Yoga basics for beginners

Yoga basics for beginners are nothing too complex. And it really doesn’t matter what your age or flexibility level is, yoga is easy and is for everyone. It is a doorway that leads towards attaining harmony which would have otherwise been lost in the middle of those
Is your Food and Lifestyle helping you detox

Ayurveda recognizes your everyday diet – Aahara and lifestyle – Vihara as an essential prerequisite for possessing natural health & balanced living. The right diet assures you longevity with complete strength and absolute well-being. Role of Aahara or Food Food, if taken in the
Good Salt, Bad Salt

Perhaps one of the richest mantra for a healthy heart that has been preached & practiced since last 30 years is the reduction of your salt intake. Though it’s still controversial but white salt, has been considered as a cause for high blood pressure &
Avoid Incompatible Dietary Patterns

Our Agni or the digestive fire is what determines whether the food we eat is digested well. Other than the Agni,our dietary patterns and the types of food we consume in different combinations also play a key role in our digestion. Ayurveda shares the
White Sugar Is White Poison

It is since the historic times that sugar has been obtained directly from the sugarcane juice and used in its raw and unrefined form. But today, much of the commercially available sugar is made by chemical processing and refining raw sugar. It lacks the needed
The Dangerous White Foods

Ayurveda says “you are what you eat”. Foods we eat influence both our physical and mental health. With our modern lifestyles we end up consuming food items that can adverse affects on our body. Below are the common white foods we all consume but
Diwali is the day when lots of lamps are lit. A physical lamp is just a symbol but the real lamp is you. You have to be lit up, vibrant, joyful and full of energy because that is the real festival. And this can only happen with knowledge, not with comforts, money or friends. Real happiness comes with knowledge.
Eat Your Fruit, Not The Chemical

What alternatives do we have when we’re forced to buy a produce loaded with toxins? How do we safeguard our family’s health from the poisonous chemicals found on our fruits and veggies? Simple rinsing with water doesn’t get rid of the harmful pesticides or wax
Time-tested Golden Rules for Hair Care

Have you ever admired someone’s beautiful shiny hair and wondered how she managed it. Ayurveda says that the condition of your hair is an indicator of your overall mind & body health. Hair and nails are the by-products of bone metabolism. So your diet must