It is really satisfying to have a home full of happy people, reduced negativity, clean air to breath and a feeling of rejuvenation! But how does one achieve the aura of basking positivity along with noticeably improved health and wellbeing? The answer in itself is
- Latest posts on Ayurvedum
Ayurveda for Weight Loss: Goodbye Obesity, Hello Happiness!

When you start cutting yourself from the outside world, when you start wearing those loose and baggy clothes and when the physical appearance begins to bother you, it is time for some self-analyzation! You might be risking your health to an epidemic called Obesity, a
6 Benefits of Turmeric for Pregnant Women

During the nine most sensitive months of your life, you will get to hear about tons of “miracle foods” that make you stronger and treat several problems. One of these is turmeric. Ayurvedic experts highly value this rich yellow spice and recommend it for various
10 Tips On How To Think Positively

Have you ever stopped for a moment and noticed the “quality” of your thoughts? Ayurveda recognises the power of positive thinking. It says that your thoughts have a tangible impact on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. So today, we’ll share with you 10
Ayurvedic tips for hair growth & thickening

Are severe disturbances and extreme stress bothering you too much? Is inadequate nutrition and/ or hormonal imbalance somehow becoming a part and parcel of your lifestyle? Do you know, these symptoms can lead to a condition where you start losing your beautiful & healthy hair
Ayurvedic Tips For Better Sleep

The world of today idolises the fast life. We’re always in a rush – rarely pausing for a rest, and almost never getting the amount of sleep we truly need. Moreover, people are starting to develop insomnia at early ages. If people knew the sheer
Ayurveda Myths And Facts

A tradition, a health system, a lifestyle…Ayurveda is so many things in one. While many look upon it as a solution to their illnesses, thousands of others rely on it to experience the heights of health and wellness. Ayurveda’s history is rich; it has been
Winter skin care tips for being body beautiful

Personally, the winter sun is my favourite. This season is in itself a pursuit of happiness. It makes my soul feel fresh and alive. But unfortunately, my skin doesn’t respond the same way. And this is a relatable experience during winters for most of us.
Know all these Aloe Vera Benefits

Valued for centuries, loaded with goodness, and delightfully easy to grow at home – aloe vera is among the most valued plants on Earth. In this article, we’ll tell you about the various aloe vera benefits you can experience. Aloe Vera, the Wonder Herb Ayurveda regards
How To Prevent Common Colds – Tips From Ayurveda

Oh, the common cold! Every now and then, it forces us to skip that long-awaited dinner with a childhood friend. And to drag ourselves to work in spite of a running nose, itchy throat and worn-out body. More and more people today are resorting