Mouth ulcers can get utterly painful. A range of things can cause them, like infection, hormonal imbalance, excess heat in the body, stomach ailments, and even stress. Mouth ulcers are generally harmless, although certain types could indicate cancer. Harmless ones can be healed easily with natural ingredients
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Health Benefits of Kiwi – A Truly Extraordinary Fruit

Ayurveda says that fruits are precious gifts from nature that we must include in our everyday diet. Refreshingly delicious, pleasing to the eye, and packed with goodness – kiwi is certainly among the best fruits on the planet. It has a pacifying effect on Vata,
Benefits of Ashwagandha: 6 Remarkable Ashwagandha Benefits

Ashwagandha, also goes by the names of Indian ginseng and withania somnifera. It is among the Ayurvedic herbs researchers today have a keen interest in – they’ve been exploring its potent abilities and so far, seen promising results. The ancients recognised this herb’s medicinal properties
A Quick Summary about Celery Seed – Benefits and Side Effects

Ajmoda is what celery seed is called in Hindi. It is widely used in Asian cooking, and it also has curative properties that make it a valuable medicine in Ayurveda. Celery Seed Benefits It improves appetite. It reduces bloating in the body. This seed pacifies
Eucalyptus Oil: Medicinal Uses, Dosage and More

Did you know that there are over 700 species of eucalyptus? It’s easy to recognise eucalyptus oil, a.k.a Nilgiri oil, from its strong and distinct fragrance. This essential oil has been used for many many years due to its potent medicinal qualities. Benefits of Eucalyptus
Amalaki Powder Dosage and Benefits

Indian gooseberry, known as ‘amalaki’ in Ayurveda, is a highly valued fruit that has much more vitamin C than oranges. It’s a rejuvenating as well as detoxifying fruit that’s great for immunity and strength. In powdered form, you can drink it as a juice everyday.
The Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

Water is a crucial, but often overlooked part a healthy diet. And while staying well hydrated in general is healthy, there are particularly great benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach – in the morning as well as in the course of the day.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

Allergic Rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, can truly ruin the beauty of spring – it brings along symptoms like watery eyes, itching in the throat, and constant sneezing. Allergens like pollen are the culprits. It affects a large number of people these days but
Can Daytime Naps Help You Work Smarter and Feel Better?

Afternoon naps…something many of us would love to have the luxury of. But is sleep at day good for health in the long run? Ayurveda is a holistic health care system that understands that everyone is made differently. So when it comes to the daytime
Shatavari – A Wonder Herb for Ageing, Infertility and More

Shatavari in English is called Asparagus Racemosus. It is a popular Ayurvedic herb that finds its place in scores of medicinal formulations, since it offers a wide range of benefits – especially for women. Benefits of Shatavari Shatavari treats infertility in women as well as