When it comes to maintaining the health of our body parts, eyes don’t receive as much attention as they deserve, considering the fact that they’re subject to so much strain and pollution in modern times. The below mentioned foods for eyesight can strengthen your vision
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The Incredible Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most valuable Ayurvedic ingredients, and has been used for over a thousand years for both cooking as well as healing. What makes this oil so special is its remarkable range of benefits; coconut oil is incredibly versatile. Here’s why
Delicious Heart Healthy Foods

The ancient science of life Ayurveda believes that it’s much better to have a diet that boosts health, rather than use medicines to treat yourself at a later point. When it comes to cardiovascular health, you can eat plenty of foods that maintain it and
Eat These 7 Foods For Better Moods And Brighter Days

Have you been feeling grumpy, low, and tired lately? This is usually more common during cold winters. Apart from exercising more, one of the best ways to improve your mental well-being is with your diet. Ayurvedic experts lay a lot of importance on eating the
Safflower Oil a.k.a Kusumb Oil – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Derived from the fiery orange safflower herb, safflower oil is an important Ayurvedic ingredient with a host of medicinal properties. Check out its uses, dosage and side effects. Safflower Oil Uses It balances Kapha and Vata doshas. It warms the body. This oil helps detoxify the
8 Best Energy Boosting Foods And Drinks For Vegans

Do you often find yourself feeling tired? According to Ayurveda, diet obviously plays an extremely important role in how active you feel throughout the day. So a good idea would be to check if you’re getting the nutrients you need in order to have sufficient
7 Excellent Natural Burned Skin Home Remedies (Minor Burns)

Skin burns can certainly be awful – even minor burns that only affect the outer layer of the skin. Why put up with the pain when there are burned skin home remedies that can relieve it and boost healing? Here are 7 simple ingredients that
Kasturi Bhendi a.k.a Musk Mallow – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Kasturi Bhendi is the Indian name for musk mallow, scientifically known as abelmoschus moschatus. It belongs to the okra family and has a bunch of surprising health uses. For example, it’s used as a flavour booster for coffee. Here are some more benefits of this
Did You Know About These Health Benefits Of Black Beans?

Ayurvedic experts often advise adding beans to one’s diet. Especially as part of the vegetarian diet, they hold a lot of importance since they are a great source of protein. Black beans are a particularly powerful kind of bean that is packed with a range
All About Aloe Vera, One Of The Most Popular Ayurvedic Herbs

Also called kumari in Ayurveda, aloe vera is one of the most popular herbs across the world. Packed with a variety of medicinal properties, it comes of use to people with many medical conditions. Here are the uses, dosage, and side effects of aloe vera.