So, you want to boost your immunity? Ayurveda lays special importance on maintaining body strength and immunity, since it’s impossible to live a healthy life without a strong immune system. Not just that, Ayurveda also provides us with many foods and herbs that function as
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How To Get Rid Of Scurvy? Try Natural Scurvy Treatment!

The onset of scurvy disease is pretty gradual and it’s a condition that occurs due to a lack of vitamin C in the human body. It is one of the ancient deficiency diseases which is common amongst kids and is also mistaken for rickets or rheumatism.
5 Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Swollen Feet (Edema)

With our on-the-go lifestyle, the feet are the most neglected part of the human body. No matter how bad they get, we don’t really have much time for them. However, prolonged swelling can be dangerous and that excessive accumulation of fluids in a particular part of your
Try These Simple Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Hiccups

Hiccups are an involuntary contraction of your diaphragm that goes on to repeat second after second. At times it can get pretty frustrating due to prolonged uneasiness. But, to your rescue come simple home remedies for hiccups that can provide instant relief from such contractions.
Yoga for Piles: 6 Effective Yoga Asanas for Piles

Yoga, world’s spiritual as well as ascetic discipline, is an absolute relaxation and relieving practice. It stretches as well as contracts, all the bodily muscles to reduce the symptoms of several ailments that we face every day. Piles is one such issue that many people
How To Treat Dry Lips? Avoid These Everyday Habits!

Chapped lips, most of the times, are due to a lack of moisture in the body. Dehydration can be because of several critical reasons. But, certain everyday habits too become a significant reason for dry lips. So, how to treat dry lips? Avoid these things that affect
7 Excellent Home Remedies For Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is caused due to a bacterial infection that not only spreads internally but also from one person to another. Once diagnosed, a properly guided treatment can ease out the symptoms. Till then, home remedies for typhoid work effectively to treat the symptoms and
5 Effective Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Chickenpox

Chickenpox is a contagious disease that usually affects the kids between 1 to 10 years of age. However, it can also appear in adults, since chickenpox is a viral infection that does not easily expel from one’s system. Poor immunity, sensitive skin, local infections or prolonged illnesses can
Poppy Seeds Benefits You Ought To Know About

Poppy seeds get a bad rap, since people have derived opium from the seeds for ages. But there’s so much more to them. These seeds are also used to add flavour to food. And guess what, they’ve got a whole range of health benefits. They
Rickets Treatment In Ayurveda Is Possible – This Is How!

Rickets is a disorder of the skeletal system that’s caused due to the deficiency of vitamins, calcium, and phosphate. What vitamin deficiency causes rickets? The deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets because vitamin D is responsible for absorbing calcium and phosphate from the intestines. It leads