Good carbohydrates are an important source of energy. But thousands of weight watchers these days are reducing or even eliminating carbs from their diet. If you’re wondering whether you should do that too, this article offers some helpful guidance. What Are Carbs? Carbohydrates are molecules
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Sitopaladi Benefits: A Classic Ayurvedic Formula For All Your Daily Needs
Sitopaladi Churna is a wonderful Ayurvedic formulation that’s an all-in-one solution. It has antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, analgesic as well as antiviral properties. Primarily, it builds your immunity and people with respiratory or digestive issues prefer consuming this churna. Sitopaladi is a slightly pungent yet sweet tasting herbal powder which is
6 Summer Smoothies To Keep You Cool, Nourished & Energised
During the hot and sunny months, few things are as refreshing as summer smoothies. They’re not only delicious, but also cooling and nourishing. Nutritious drinks in the summer prevent dehyration, heat headaches, summer fatigue, and aggravation of Pitta dosha. Moreover, you can easily carry a
Men’s Health Tips: This One’s For You – All You Men Out There!
Men take pride in leading an independent lifestyle. However, it comes at a cost – struggle, anxiety, pressure, loneliness and what not. The ones who are accustomed to staying at a backfoot when it comes to sharing their feeling are sure to face even more difficulties. Women
Ginger For Digestion: The Best Natural Remedy For Stomach Issues
Ginger is said to be a medicinal chest in itself. All seven dhatus or tissues benefit from it. Its numerous uses makes it one of the most important herbs in ancient traditional practice. Our article today will focus on ginger for digestion. The effectiveness of ginger
Ayurvedic Superfoods List: The Most Powerful Satvik Foods
In Ayurveda, food has always been equated with medicine. That’s why this system of wellness has been recommending superfoods since ages! The best superfoods as per Ayurveda are satvik in nature. Without further ado, let’s take a look at all the fantastic foods on our
Health Benefits Of Raspberries: Here’s Why Ayurveda Recommends Them
Are raspberries healthy? Well, this satvik superfood has a whole lot to offer for health as well as beauty. Belonging to the rose family, raspberries come not only in that lovely shade of red we all adore – you can even find them in purple,
Shirodhara: One Panchakarma Treatment, Various Health Benefits
Shirodhara is a panchakarma therapy that benefits your nervous system. This Ayurvedic treatment works to balance your doshas. It mainly serves those with Vata and Pitta aggravation. Herbal as well as medicated oils form an important part of this treatment since they benefit your mind
Low Blood Pressure Treatment: What’s The Correct Diet For Me?
If your blood pressure levels are 90/60 mmHg or below, you have low blood pressure or hypotension. It results in not enough blood reaching your vital organs. There are many causes of low blood pressure: anaemia, dehydration, stress, lack of physical activity, severe infection, endocrine
Health Benefits Of Blueberries: Yummy Jewels Of Wholesomeness
Blueberries…these delicious, vibrant little fruits are loved by everyone. They are expensive in most parts of the world, but we promise, these jewels of wholesomeness are worth every penny. After discovering the incredible health benefits of blueberries, we’re sure you will want to eat them