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Ayurveda considers navel or the belly button an important part of the human body. It is located in the median position and is the central place for the fetus to receive its nutrition. However, under strenuous physical pressure, the belly button can also move from its position and lead to several disturbances in the body. This condition is called as navel displacement or “dharan hilna.” Navel displacement treatment can be conducted with Ayurvedic remedies, since conventional medicine does recognise this disorder.
Naval Displacement – How Is It Determined?
You will have to get this checked by an Ayurvedic expert.
1. Lay flat on your back and the expert will measure the distance (with the help of a string) between the center of your navel and the toes of both your feet. If the distance turns out to be different, your navel is displaced.
2. An Ayurvedic expert can also determine the same by checking your pulse rate around the navel area. The expert may gently apply some pressure with their thumb to know if there actually is a problem or not.
Navel Displacement Symptoms
1. Excessive or scanty bleeding during periods in women.
3. Constipation or severe stomach ache.
4. Vomiting and nausea
5. Diarrhea
6. Pain in the back, thighs, and calves.
7. Lack of appetite
Navel Displacement Causes
1. Lifting up or pulling heavyweight objects
2. Unexpected jerks in the body
3. Jumping or falling may also lead to navel displacement
4. Stomach indigestion is another cause
Navel Displacement Treatment
1. Mustard Oil
Take a cotton ball, soak it in some mustard oil and rub the same in your navel region. Follow this natural naval displacement treatment every day and you’ll experience quick relief.
2. Aniseed and Jaggery
Take 20 grams of jaggery and aniseed on an empty stomach for a week. This will help in bringing back your displaced belly button. You can also grind them together and consume in the form of a powder.
3. Curd
Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in around 500 ml of curd. Consume this mix once every day and it will provide you better results.
4. Mint
Prepare a juice from mint leaves and drink it every day. You can also make a mint leaves paste and use it for that added benefit in your daily meals.
5. Ayurvedic Medicines
In the end, if nothing works, these Ayurvedic medicines can prove to be helpful in case of navel displacement: Narayana taila, mahanarayana taila, vishagarbha taila, gangadhara churna, hingwastaka churna or sukumara ghrita.
Note: This article is solely for the purpose of sharing information. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So before using anything to treat yourself, always consult your doctor.
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