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- 1. Bulgur Is Very Nutritious.
- 2. Bulgur Benefits In Digestion.
- 3. Bulgur Helps Maintain Body Weight.
- 4. Bulgur Helps Prevent Chronic Diseases.
- 5. Bulgur Supports Strong Immunity.
- 6. Bulgur Cures Anaemia Naturally.
- 7. Bulgur Strengthens Bones.
Today we are going to tell you about a staple in middle eastern cuisine that’s very healthy and delicious – bulgur. “What is bulgur?”, many ask. Bulgur is cracked and parboiled whole wheat. It is very similar in texture to couscous. The bulgur grain, like most other whole grains, is considered satvik food in Ayurveda and has a lot of health benefits. Read on to know more…
Bulgur Benefits
1. Bulgur Is Very Nutritious.
How is bulgur healthy, you ask? As we have learnt in previous articles, whole grains are grains that have all their essential parts intact. Therefore, not even a bit of the precious nutritive content is lost. So, bulgur contains a fantastic range of nutrients – fiber, protein, antioxidants, B vitamins, copper, manganese, iron, and zinc to name a few.
2. Bulgur Benefits In Digestion.
Ayurveda encourages maintaining proper digestion, so that all other systems can run smoothly. Bulgur benefits our body due to its rich fiber content. Fiber is very important for nutrient absorption and proper bowel movement. It also encourages a healthy balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut. So, regular intake of bulgur wheat ensures good digestive functioning.
3. Bulgur Helps Maintain Body Weight.
Is bulgur healthy for those trying to lose weight? Yes, it is. The fiber in the bulgur grain not only aids digestion, but also keeps you full for longer. It balances blood sugar levels – further stabilising your appetite. Carbohydrates are released slowly and energy is sustained.
4. Bulgur Helps Prevent Chronic Diseases.
Bulgur benefits by keeping you safe from developing chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and cancer. As a whole grain, bulgur provides powerful antioxidants. It helps keep diseases away in two major ways: by reducing inflammation and by lowering the rate of oxidative stress resulting from free radicals.
5. Bulgur Supports Strong Immunity.
Want to know how is bulgur healthy when it comes to your immunity? The vitamins and minerals in bulgur have a very positive affect on the immune system. The especially high levels of zinc are very helpful for those who fall sick too frequently. So, you can reduce the occurrences of colds and flus with bulgur in your plate.
6. Bulgur Cures Anaemia Naturally.
Another among the bulgur benefits is that it is a natural cure for anaemia. Being a rich source of iron, bulgur increases the quantity of red blood cells in your blood. Your organs get more oxygen as a result, and this boosts strength and vitality. Those weak due to lack of iron must have bulgur daily as it is a natural cure for anaemia.
7. Bulgur Strengthens Bones.
As you get older, your bone mineral density slowly declines, which can lead to osteoporosis. To prevent this, we need a good supply of phosphorous, manganese, and iron so that our bones stay healthy. The bulgur grain has all these minerals. So to maintain your bone health, begin your day with a bowl of crunchy bulgur flakes with nuts and dried fruits.
Note: Posts on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness about natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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