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Kheer, also called Indian rice pudding, is among the most loved Indian desserts, and it’s also an excellent Ayurvedic food! This dish increases ‘ojas’ or vitality. Indian rice pudding is excellent for Vata dosha when taken warm, and for Pitta when taken cool. Its prime ingredients are rice and milk. Rice is a highly nourishing satvik food, while organic cow milk is an excellent strength and immunity booster.
How To Make Indian Rice Pudding
What You’ll Need:
- ½ cup basmati rice
- 4 cups organic cow milk (coconut milk also works well)
- 1 tsp each of sliced cashew, almond, pitachio, and dates.
- 1 tsp cardamom powder
- 1 tsp ghee
- 1 cup water
- 1 tbsp honey
What To Do:
- Wash the rice and soak it for an hour.
- Bring the milk to a boil and then, add the rice, cardamom, and ghee.
- Let it boil on a low flame, until the rice cooks and milk starts to thicken.
- Add the cashews, almonds, pitachios, and dates.
- Let it simmer for 10 minutes and then take off the heat.
- Stir in the honey.
Note: Posts on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness about natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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