Is eating spicy food healthy according to Ayurveda? In our series on the six tastes in Ayurveda, our topic for today is pungent food. Let’s look at what this taste is all about.
Effects On The Doshas
The pungent taste is made up of fire and air. Its most well-known property is heaty. Its other qualities are stimulating, sharp, penetrating, light, and dry.
So can you guess which dosha benefits most from eating spicy food? Kapha dosha. Being warming in nature, moderately spiced food in small amounts pacifies Vata. Pittas should eat only mildly spiced food.
Benefits Of Spicy Food
- One of the main benefits of spicy food is warmth. In cold temperatures and aggravation of Kapha or Vata, it provides the body with much-needed heat.
- The pungent taste is vital for a strong agni (digestive fire). It aids nutrient absorption.
- Pungent food stimulates appetite as well as improves salivation.
- It improves blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels.
- By improving blood flow, it also boosts immunity.
- It stimulates the brain and increases mental activity.
- Those suffering from chest congestion benefit from eating spicy food. It helps the body expel mucous and opens up the sinuses.
- Reduced toxins is among the benefits of spicy food since it encourages sweating.
- The pungent taste also has pain-relieving effects. Chilies have been found to help with pain management.
- It reduces gas, bloating, and burping.
- It gets rid of excess water retention since it has drying properties.
Examples Of Healthy Spicy Food
Ayurveda recommends getting the pungent taste from natural, organic ingredients such as:
- Chili
- Onion
- Mustard
- Radish
- Black pepper
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Cayenne pepper
- Cloves
- Asafoetida
- Cumin
- Spearmint
- Oregano
- Basil
- Turmeric
Effects Of Spicy Food In Excess
- Pungent food in excess can provoke Vata. Even in moderation, it provokes Pitta.
- Excess of spicy hot food agitates the mind and leads to increased anger, jealousy, impatience, and pride.
- Those with violent tendencies and anger management issues should avoid excess spicy food and favour mild tastes.
- Is spicy food healthy for those with acidity? No. It can worsen issues like ulcers and heartburn.
- It increases burning inside the body as well as on the skin. Especially when Pittas overdo spicy, they are likely to get rashes on their skin.
- Because of its stimulating nature, those with a hyperactive nervous system (Vata types) should limit its intake, or else they may suffer from anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness.
- It also increases inflammation in excess amounts.
- Those with a weak reproductive system should avoid spicy food.
Note: Posts on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness about natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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