As most of you may already know, the novel coronavirus causes a diease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Thought this virus is fairly new, its symptoms and effects are already being shared everywhere. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information out there. So, here is
Winter Season (Shishir Ritu): Ayurvedic Diet And Lifestyle Basics

Winter season is the one that’s most pleasant yet dreadful. People keep wanting winters and when they arrive one question is constant – when would it end? There are a lot of facts that we do not know about the six seasons. Ritucharya in Ayurveda particularly
Pre-Winter (Hemant Ritu): Ways To Keep A Balance In This Season

Early winter is a blessing from the heat of the summer and autumn season. It’s the transitional phase from autumn to the winter season. The weather becomes pleasant. However, Hemant Ritu a.k.a. the pre-winter season also brings along diseases and sickness along. So, here’s how
Ritucharya In Ayurveda: A Quick Guide To The 6 Seasons Of The Year

Ritucharya in Ayurveda is a practice of right living, in harmony with nature. ‘Ritu‘ means season and ‘Charya‘ means routine. Ritucharya consists of Ayurvedic lifestyle changes according to the six seasons of the year. Particularly talking about the seasons in India, they are diverse. It
The Autumn Season (Sharad Ritu) Journal: Essential Fall Health Tips

The autumn season (Sharad Ritu) comes as a relief from the rainy season. The weather gets warm, the sun shines, and the air becomes dry. The leaves turn orange and yellow, creating a picturesque scenario. However, Ayurveda shows some concerns regarding the autumn months. Let
Monsoon Season (Varsha Ritu): Ways To Stay Safe And Enjoy The Rain

How many of you love the smell of the earth when it becomes wet from the rains? Monsoon season is one of the charming seasons in India. All you want to do is wander in the cold breeze and have a hot cup of tea.
Summer Season (Grishma Ritu): Beat The Heat With Ayurveda

Grishma Ritu or the summer season lasts from Mid-May to Mid-July. The summer winds lead to dryness and dehydration in the body. It causes moisture to evaporate – not just from the Earth but from everywhere. The scorching heat of Grishma Ritu reflects the characteristics
Spring Season (Vasant Ritu): How Not To Fall Ill In This Season?

Spring season is probably everyone’s favorite season. It’s the period of greenery where flowers bloom, and the wind is refreshing. The spring month’s weather is neither too warm nor too cold. It’s the perfect climate for fun and work. But do you know that the
What Are The Best Alkaline Foods To Include In Your Daily Diet?

How many of you suffer from acidity, fatigue, and stress? A majority of the population suffers from these problems but not many of them know the reason. The increase in acid inside the stomach results in all such conditions. The solution is adopting an alkaline
15 Best Ayurveda Books: From Prakriti To Practicality – The List Has It All!

Without any further ado, let’s get right into the world of good reads. Here are the best Ayurveda books (in no particular order) for you to widen the horizons of your consciousness. Top Best Ayurveda Books 1. Ayurveda and Marma Therapy Jotted down by 3 different