Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment that employs five major therapeutic procedures to restore your body’s balance. It revives the irregularities between the three Doshas, strengthens the immune system, regulates digestion and eliminates excessive ama (accumulated toxins) for a total detox. When performed under the supervision of trained therapists, this
Udvartana: Dry Powder Ayurvedic Massage Therapy

Udwarthanam a.k.a. Udvartana is a significant practice which is in use since ages. The therapy is particularly helpful in reducing obesity as well as other allied health problems. It is a special type of Abhyanga to help you get rid of toxins through the largest organ
Marma Therapy: Cleansing Blocked Energy With A Healing Touch

Ayurveda has given the world the easiest yet the most effective ways to stay healthy and nourished. Marma therapy is one of those approaches. It’s a practice older than acupuncture. It involves lightly stimulating the marma points to protect the srotas or sensitive energy channels
Frigidity Treatment: Here’s How You Can Overcome The Condition

Lowering libido isn’t just a men-only problem. Several women today face the condition and the abnormal sexual differences lead to pretty severe complications. According to Ayurveda, a Kapha imbalance is responsible for frigidity in women. It disrupts your individual as well as married life. Therefore, frigidity
Shirodhara: One Panchakarma Treatment, Various Health Benefits

Shirodhara is a panchakarma therapy that benefits your nervous system. This Ayurvedic treatment works to balance your doshas. It mainly serves those with Vata and Pitta aggravation. Herbal as well as medicated oils form an important part of this treatment since they benefit your mind
Color Treatment In Ayurveda: Paint Your Life With Wellness

Do you think colors can heal? To the surprise of many, the answer is a resounding yes. Color therapy has been used with much success in Ayurveda. The science is simple – colors have a significant impact on brain activity and hormone production. They can
Autism Treatment: Ayurveda Can Have Significant Therapeutic Effects

Parents of children with an autistic disorder are often on the look out for ways to help their children cope with their hardships. This disorder can’t be cured. But the good news is that Ayurveda offers many ways to make the the journey of an
Nasal Rinse: How To Use A Neti Pot & How It Benefits Nasal Congestion

Neti is a Sanskrit word that means nasal. Ayurveda uses the Neti technique a.k.a. Neti Kriya to clear your nasal passages off any environmental pollution. It basically waves off the imbalanced Kapha. A neti pot is the device that assists you in the process. A
Chalazion Treatment: Eye Cyst Symptoms and Home Remedies

Our eyes are certainly quite sensitive as compared to most other organs in the body. This is why maintaining better hygiene must be your priority. Even the smallest irritation can lead to severe infections – an eye cyst or Chalazion cyst being one of them.
Osteoporosis Prevention: Lifestyle Tips And Home Remedies

A progressive bone disorder, osteoporosis is essentially identified by a decrease in bone density. Potholes develop inside the bone to make them painful. It can either result from a vitamin deficiency or due to Pitta aggravation. It may consequently restrict the removal of toxins from the