Herbal jams are popular health tonics in Ayurveda. Aswagandhadi Lehyam is a potent preparation with its main ingredient as Ashwagandha – a rejuvenator, stress busting, immunity boosting as well as aphrodisiac herb. Ayurvedic experts generally prescribe it to pacify Vata as well as increase Kapha. Ingredients of
Ayurvedic Medicine for Menorrhagia or Excess Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy periods can be a pain – quite literally too! Medically termed as menorrhagia, abnormally high menstrual bleeding can be caused by reasons that range from physical to psychological. In Ayurveda, menorrhagia is called ‘Asrigdara’, meaning ‘excess blood flow’. It brings with it a considerable
How to Heal Cavities with Natural Ingredients

What are dental cavities? Carbohydrates from food particles remaining in your mouth turn into acids, which leads to plaque, eventually forming holes in your teeth known as cavities. Besides being a not-so-pleasant sight, cavities can cause an awful lot of pain…and in severe cases, teeth
Sciatica Pain Relief with Ayurvedic Remedies

Various people experience sciatica differently – for some, it has mild symptoms while for others, it is moderate; and for the unfortunate lot, it causes excruciating pain that makes daily life difficult. With severe sciatica, even coughing, standing and walking cause ache. But the good
Ayurvedic Solutions for Sagging Breasts

Women tend to be conscious of their breasts. Especially at younger ages, it’s common to get even a bit obsessed about their size, colour, shape and firmness. At Ayurvedum, we encourage you to love and accept your unique beauty. But, if your sagging breasts bother you
How to Lose Belly Fat without Exercise Naturally

Contrary to popular belief, fat doesn’t equal unhealthy. However, certain fats in certain areas of the body indicate that you’ve got a potential health problem. One of them is visceral fat, which you’d find in your abdominal cavity. When you have excess amounts of visceral fat,
How to Remove Moles at Home?

Unwanted moles – especially on areas like the face, neck and hands – can be a major source of distress. The stubborn little spots on your skin simply don’t fade! Before you lose heart, go ahead and try some of these simple home remedies that
All About The Mucuna Pruriens Ayurvedic Medicine

Mucuna Pruriens, also called ‘kapikacchu’ and the ‘atmagupta herb’ in Ayurveda, is a powerful herb that offers a variety of medicinal benefits. Here’s a gist about its uses, dosage, and side effects of the Mucuna Pruriens Ayurvedic medicine. Read on! Uses of the Mucuna Pruriens
How To Get Nicotine Out Of Your System Naturally

It’s a good decision to look for ways to help your body flush out nicotine – the dreadful substance that circulates through your body when you smoke. We’ll show you how to get nicotine out of your system using wisdom from Ayurveda. How To Get
How To Get Rid of Bad Morning Breath (Naturally!)

Bad breath when you wake up is highly common, and often harmless – nevertheless embarrassing! However, if your morning breath is particularly strong and foul, you might want to do some fixing. Worry not, there are easy and effective ways to get right of it naturally.