“Remember, Dentistry isn’t expensive, neglect is!” Teeth are an integral part of the human body, not only for a contagious smile but also for chewing food well. In Ayurveda, chewing food is considered important for better digestion. That’s why the importance of dental hygiene is absolutely essential.
Ayurvedic tips for hair growth & thickening

Are severe disturbances and extreme stress bothering you too much? Is inadequate nutrition and/ or hormonal imbalance somehow becoming a part and parcel of your lifestyle? Do you know, these symptoms can lead to a condition where you start losing your beautiful & healthy hair
Winter skin care tips for being body beautiful

Personally, the winter sun is my favourite. This season is in itself a pursuit of happiness. It makes my soul feel fresh and alive. But unfortunately, my skin doesn’t respond the same way. And this is a relatable experience during winters for most of us.
How To Prevent Common Colds – Tips From Ayurveda

Oh, the common cold! Every now and then, it forces us to skip that long-awaited dinner with a childhood friend. And to drag ourselves to work in spite of a running nose, itchy throat and worn-out body. More and more people today are resorting
8 Proven Benefits of Turmeric

People constantly keep raving about their love for the flavourful Indian foods, spices and herbs. The delightful tastes tantalize their taste buds and leave a long lasting impression. Apart from enhancing the enjoyment of dishes these spices also possess medicinal properties along with multiple health
Time-tested Golden Rules for Hair Care

Have you ever admired someone’s beautiful shiny hair and wondered how she managed it. Ayurveda says that the condition of your hair is an indicator of your overall mind & body health. Hair and nails are the by-products of bone metabolism. So your diet must
Triphala – An Ayurvedic Miracle

Ayurveda is an age-old science wholly developed in India which focuses on holistic health. The therapeutic course of Ayurveda straightaway puts the impact on the root cause of a disease. It states that a healthy stomach means a healthier life and on the other
How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Acne Without Using Chemical Drugs?

Acne breakouts during youth or adulthood bother millions of people across the world. Usually, acne problems result from hormonal imbalance. So, how to get rid of hormonal acne? Hormonal acne causes include excess stress as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. So, it is advised to