Migraine headaches can definitely get excruciating. In such a situation, food can improve the condition. Therefore, a nutrient-rich diet can be of help to get rid of migraine symptoms. But, what are the foods that help migraines? Here’s a natural approach in dealing with the
Paget’s Disease: A Chronic Bone Disease And Its Treatment
Paget’s disease, named after the English surgeon and pathologist Sir James Paget, is the second most common bone disease in the world. Arthritis is often linked with it but there’s just one similarity. Paget’s disease symptoms too include pain as well as swelling in the bones
Mastitis Treatment: Home Remedies To Cure Mastitis Infection
Breastfeeding is no doubt a difficult yet an essential responsibility. But, what if the breasts become infected? Mastitis, an infection of the breast tissues leads to a stressful phase. Pain, redness as well as swelling in the area are some of the major and common
Albinism Disease: What Causes Albinism, Its Symptoms & Treatment
Albinism disease is amongst those skin diseases that result from genetic disorders. People facing this illness are light sensitive. Exposure to sunlight worsens their condition and therefore, the albinism treatment requires protection from the Sun. The exact name of the condition is Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA),
Diabetic Foot Ulcer: Natural Ways To Heal The Painful Wounds
Diabetes is a chronic ailment that can be fatal if left unattended. And, amputation of a diabetic foot can become necessary if the ulcer is not cured at the right time. The ulcers erupt because of increased blood sugar levels as well as neuropathy. However, the
Sjogren’s Syndrome – Everything You Need To Know About It
Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects your tear and salivary glands. Inability to swallow food, itchy eyes, dry mouth along with swollen salivary glands are a few Sjogren’s syndrome symptoms. The condition can get pretty uncomfortable – but fortunately, Sjogren’s syndrome treatment is possible.
Male Infertility: Ayurvedic Remedies For Oligospermia Treatment
Oligospermia, azoospermia or sperm motility are certain terms associated with male reproductive health. Insufficient sperm count as well as sperm motility can cause a lot of distress to men who wish to have a family. Therefore, if you are dealing with oligospermia, try these effective home
Cure Slipped Disc Symptoms With These Ayurvedic Remedies
Discs located in your spine help absorb shocks caused in one’s daily routine. These are made up of a soft gelatin-like material covered by a hard ring. But, when the inner portion weakens, it leads to a herniated disc a.k.a. slipped disc. The slipped disc
Female Hypogonadism Treatment: Essential Home Remedies
Are you facing problems in your intimate life? Is it difficult to conceive? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from female hypogonadism. Are hypogonadism symptoms deadly? Well, yes because they can lead to other serious ailments. So, here’s some important information about female hypogonadism
Asperger Syndrome: Remedies For Natural Asperger’s Treatment
Asperger syndrome, also called the high-functioning condition, is a type of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Children are the primary victims, and the Asperger’s symptoms are becoming alarmingly common. A majority of people equate Asperger syndrome with autism, however, both of these are different. Asperger’s treatment must