Rheumatoid arthritis is an awfully painful chronic disorder that affects young and old people alike. Today, we’re going to talk about Ayurvedic cure for rheumatoid arthritis. In Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis is called ‘amavata’. ‘Ama’ translates to toxins, while ‘Vata’ refers to the Vata dosha. Its
Sciatica Pain Relief with Ayurvedic Remedies

Various people experience sciatica differently – for some, it has mild symptoms while for others, it is moderate; and for the unfortunate lot, it causes excruciating pain that makes daily life difficult. With severe sciatica, even coughing, standing and walking cause ache. But the good
Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint Pain: Remedies and More
The category of joint pains not only include the condition of knee pain or arthritis but it also takes account of the shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle, foot and wrist pain. It is a suffering that’s capable enough to make the affected person immobile in one
Ayurveda for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

IBS or the Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common digestive disorder that outbreaks in various people around the world. What makes IBS different from the other digestive troubles is the belly pain along with constipation, indigestion and diarrhea that keeps hitting back again and again. You
Ayurveda for Weight Loss: Goodbye Obesity, Hello Happiness!

When you start cutting yourself from the outside world, when you start wearing those loose and baggy clothes and when the physical appearance begins to bother you, it is time for some self-analyzation! You might be risking your health to an epidemic called Obesity, a
How To Prevent Common Colds – Tips From Ayurveda

Oh, the common cold! Every now and then, it forces us to skip that long-awaited dinner with a childhood friend. And to drag ourselves to work in spite of a running nose, itchy throat and worn-out body. More and more people today are resorting
Unheard Benefits of Neem leaves

Neem, a popular and magical medicinal herb is an essential ingredient in plenty home remedies and ayurvedic medicines. It is well known for its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem leaves detoxify blood, stimulate the immune system, promote a healthy respiratory & digestive system and improve