Shingles is a viral infection that often causes painful rashes as well as blisters on both your face and body. But, what exactly causes shingles? The infection develops due to the varicella-zoster virus that also leads to chickenpox. Pain, burning sensation, and numbness are a few
Rabies Symptoms And An Essential Home Treatment
Rabies is an infection caused by the RNA virus of the rhabdovirus family. It is a fatal disease that can eventually result in a person’s death especially when not treated on time. Rabies can enter the peripheral nervous system directly and may even migrate to
Amyloidosis: What Is Amyloidosis And It’s Ayurvedic Treatment
Amyloidosis is a life-threatening disease that can hamper the functioning of your entire system. It leads to the accumulation of an uncommon protein that can also cause organ failure when left untreated. The amyloidosis symptoms include joint pain, excessive fatigue as well as an enlarged
What Is Dyslexia: Understanding The Learning & Attention Disorder
What is dyslexia? It’s basically a disorder that makes it difficult for a child or a person to communicate as well as understand like other people of their age. The inability to take instructions or learn new words is among the primary dyslexia symptoms. The
Pneumonia Symptoms, Causes & Effective Home Remedies
Pneumonia is a condition wherein your lungs get filled with pus to eventually become solid. A viral, bacterial or fungal infection can induce lung inflammation that leads to such a respiratory disease. Pneumonia causes fever, bleeding cough as well as difficulty in breathing, which can
Difficulty In Swallowing (Dysphagia): Symptoms & Dysphagia Treatment
If you often face difficulty in swallowing your food, do not take it lightly. This could be a serious problem. And dysphagia is the medical term used for it. The dysphagia causes include neurological as well as throat related ailments. And, these can eventually lead
Yellow Fever Symptoms And Treatment: All Natural & Ayurvedic
Yellow fever is a contagious disease spread by mosquitoes that belong to the Aedes aegypti species. This fever has its origins in Africa as well as South America. The yellow fever symptoms are believed to be responsible for the downfall of the Roman Empire and
What Is Elephantiasis & How To Combat The Elephantiasis Symptoms?
Elephantiasis a.k.a. lymphatic filariasis is basically a swelling in your limbs that happens due to parasitic worms. These worms can spread as well as infect other people through mosquitoes and have a critical impact. So, it’s important to understand exactly what is elephantiasis, the common
Periodontitis (Pyorrhea): Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
Periodontitis also called as pyorrhea is an infection of the gums as well as the teeth. Pyorrhea is a common dental ailment that people suffer from. It becomes an absolute discomfort when the gums start oozing pus. Bad breath, bleeding gums as well as highly
What Is Diphtheria? Is There An All-Natural Diphtheria Treatment?
Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that affects your throat as well as the nose. But in case you do not go for a proper treatment, it can put your heart at risk and start to affect your overall health. Eventually, the condition may lead to death.