Coronavirus has come like a wild storm. Who would’ve thought a tiny virus has this much power! You can find so many guidelines shared throughout the world to prevent this from getting worse. When there is so much happening around us, we tend to lose
Coronavirus: What Is It? Let’s Clear the Air!

‘Coronavirus disease 2019’ – is the most spoken about, ever since its discovery in December 2019. Coronavirus has filled the air with disease, myths and speculations. The internet is painted with information about coronavirus. You can find loads of people talking about the symptoms, protective
Orthorexia: How Taking Care Of Your Health Becomes A Disorder?

Orthorexia is a comparatively newer eating disorder which is yet to be recognized. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two widely known eating disorders. Orthorexia Nervosa begins as a quest to perfect health. Gradually, it becomes an obsession affecting all spheres of life. Here’s an
Frigidity Treatment: Here’s How You Can Overcome The Condition

Lowering libido isn’t just a men-only problem. Several women today face the condition and the abnormal sexual differences lead to pretty severe complications. According to Ayurveda, a Kapha imbalance is responsible for frigidity in women. It disrupts your individual as well as married life. Therefore, frigidity
Malaria Facts: Stay Informed & Protected From This Deadly Disease!

Malaria disease is a mosquito borne blood disease that is life threatening. It’s widespread in tropical as well as sub tropical regions. It affects millions of people, causing death in thousands. Moreover, most of these deaths are in children below 15 years. So to help you stay
Breast Cancer Prevention: Must-Know Facts For Every Woman

With the right understanding of what this disease is all about, you’ll know how to prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer begins when the cells in the breast start to grow uncontrollably. These come together to form a lump or tumor. Not all lumps are cancerous. But
Vaginal Cancer: What Causes It & How To Prevent It Naturally?

Vaginal cancer is the second most common cancer in women, after breast cancer. Like breast cancer, it usually surfaces in the later years of a woman, around the age of 60. But unlike breast cancer, the signs of vaginal cancer are not so easily visible.
PMDD Symptoms Affecting Women Worldwide: Here’s What You Can Do!

PMDD symptoms point towards a disease that leads to severe physical as well as emotional instability. But, what is PMDD? Known as the Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, PMDD is often confused with PMS, however, the two are very different. These definitely have a few common symptoms
Shortness Of Breath A.K.A. Dyspnea Treatment In Ayurveda

Dyspnea or shortness of breath can be a sign of an underlying critical disease. The condition is usually normal, but if the intensity increases, it can lead to heart diseases or respiratory illnesses like asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). These are also among the common
Human Papillomavirus Infection: Symptoms & Treatment

Human papillomavirus infection is a viral infection characterized by the occurrence of warts on your body. These may develop around the genitals, hands, legs or even on the face. Warts are the most common HPV symptoms in both men, and women. However, HPV in women