Coronavirus has come like a wild storm. Who would’ve thought a tiny virus has this much power! You can find so many guidelines shared throughout the world to prevent this from getting worse. When there is so much happening around us, we tend to lose
Coronavirus: What Is It? Let’s Clear the Air!

‘Coronavirus disease 2019’ – is the most spoken about, ever since its discovery in December 2019. Coronavirus has filled the air with disease, myths and speculations. The internet is painted with information about coronavirus. You can find loads of people talking about the symptoms, protective
Panchakarma: A Guide To Healing Ayurvedic Therapies & Their Benefits

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment that employs five major therapeutic procedures to restore your body’s balance. It revives the irregularities between the three Doshas, strengthens the immune system, regulates digestion and eliminates excessive ama (accumulated toxins) for a total detox. When performed under the supervision of trained therapists, this
Here’s The Best Bitter Herbs List For Your Overall Health

Bitter flavor has literally disappeared from the contemporary palate. However, not many people are aware of the potential that bitter herbs and bitter foods have. Bitter herbs are much more than being food for weakened Agni. These significantly impact the mind, body, and soul. Are
Ayuvedic Health Benefits of Baheda A.K.A. Terminalia Bellirica

According to the ancient Indian scriptures, Baheda a.k.a. Vibheetaki (botanical name Terminalia Bellirica) means something that keeps away diseases. The fruit is true to its name. It has a bitter-astringent taste and is light on digestion. It is stimulating, an analgesic, expectorant along with being a
Black Cardamom Health Benefits: From Skin To Stomach & More

Black cardamom a.k.a Badi elaichi in Hindi is a significant spice in Ayurveda. It’s easy on digestion, boosts metabolism and is bitter-pungent in taste. Although it vitiates Pitta, black cardamom benefits in balancing the Vata as well as Kapha dosha. What else? Keep reading… Black Cardamom
Udvartana: Dry Powder Ayurvedic Massage Therapy

Udwarthanam a.k.a. Udvartana is a significant practice which is in use since ages. The therapy is particularly helpful in reducing obesity as well as other allied health problems. It is a special type of Abhyanga to help you get rid of toxins through the largest organ
Haridrakhand (Haridrakhandam): Ayurvedic Medicine For Allergy Relief

Haridrakhand also called as Haridrakhandam is a trusted and potent Ayurvedic remedy for skin and respiratory disorders. With the goodness of turmeric and several other herbs as well as spices, it helps get rid of ama (toxins). It’s an effective Ayurvedic medicine for allergy as
What Are The Best Herbs For Digestion Related Problems?

Maintaining your digestive health is essential. Not just the stomach but it affects your overall health. When stable, the digestive system regulates the functioning of all your organs. But if it’s the opposite, even your daily routine gets off the track. However, certain herbs for
Orthorexia: How Taking Care Of Your Health Becomes A Disorder?

Orthorexia is a comparatively newer eating disorder which is yet to be recognized. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two widely known eating disorders. Orthorexia Nervosa begins as a quest to perfect health. Gradually, it becomes an obsession affecting all spheres of life. Here’s an