In Ayurveda, wheatgrass juice benefits the body incredibly. Having immense healing properties, this power-packed drink is a natural blood purifier. It is 70% chlorophyll which supplies an ample amount of oxygen to all your body organs. Also, it’s a great source of protein along with
Camping Hacks & Tips: Camp Like A Champ The Ayurveda Way

Traveling fills you with vigor. It stimulates your senses. Simply a walk in the woods can leave you feeling revitalized. But, the oh-so-chaotic urban lifestyle just doubles up the woes, let along feeling rejuvenated. However, camping is one perfect idea – to connect with nature,
Dietary Guidelines: Here’s A List Of Foods To Avoid Every Month

It’s an old Hindi proverb “चैते गुड़, वैसाखे तेल, जेठ के पंथ, अषाढ़े बेल। सावन साग, भादौ दही, कुवांर करेला, कार्तिक मही। अगहन जीरा, पूसै धना, माघे मिश्री, फागुन चना। जो कोई इतने परिहरै, ता घर बैद पैर नहीं धरै।” These lifestyle and dietary guidelines
Women’s Health: Watch Out For The Common Problems Faced By Women

Women are powerful, beautiful, and successful. However, it is their own negligence that hinders their achievements and also daily routine. Women do not eat and rest properly while taking care of other people around. Several kinds of research show that women lack significant nutrients like
Is Castor Oil Safe To Use? Here Are The Potential Castor Oil Side Effects!

Castor oil uses today are pretty evident especially for skin and hair health. It is since the ancient times that castor oil has been employed for both external as well as internal usage. However, experts recommend a controlled dosage so as to avoid the adverse
Camphor Oil Health Benefits: Relaxing, Healing & Balancing

Camphor essential oil is tri-dosha balancing. It has a cold potency along with a bitter-sweet taste. It’s extracted through steam distillation from the camphor tree and is mostly used as alternative medicine. Both yellow and brown camphor oils are said to be toxic. However, it
Eating Before Bed: How Good or Bad Is The Practice?

Elders, health experts as well as other fitness gurus make it a point to aware you of the consequences of a late-night dinner. But, is eating before bed really that bad for your well-being? Let’s explore what Ayurveda says about eating at night. Is It
Milk For PCOS: Is It Good? Is It Bad? Here’s The Answer!

In Indian culture, cows are considered holy and pure. The milk they produce is equally said to be complete and nutritious. However, some concerns have emerged regarding its impacts on conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Since it is said to increase insulin and androgen levels,
Ginger Water: One Simple Tonic, Several Health Benefits!

For most of us who are fond of lemon, cinnamon, and cucumber-infused detox drinks, ginger water is another must-try health potion. Ginger is a heating spice that increases Pitta. Having a pungent and sweet taste also makes it cool. However, its warming energy calms the
Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Must-Haves To Transform Your Overall Health

When it comes to holistic health care, even gradual dietary additions prove sustainable as well as adaptive for the body. You don’t have to necessarily make any drastic adjustments. Similarly, anti-inflammatory foods help restore cellular health. These do not make you feel deprived of any