Being the organs that help you take in oxygen, your lungs are obviously among the most crucial organs you have. Unfortunately in today’s world, there are so many toxins floating in the air that lung health is on the decline – and death due to
4 Detox Tea Recipes With Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs
With the amounts of toxins in our food and environment, it’s wise to go on a detox every once in a while. One of the easiest ways of adding value to your toxin flushing diet? Sip on cups of flavourful herbal teas that refresh your
5 Impressive Black Radish Benefits Worth Knowing About
Image credit: In Ayurveda, vegetables are among the healthiest foods that promote wellbeing on the physical as well as mental levels. So, we love talking to you about super-healthy veggies you can add to your diet. One such is black radish. It’s a cruciferous
Brown Rice vs White Rice – Is There A Significant Difference?
Are you wondering which kind of rice is better for you? Brown rice is the whole grain – it contains everything but the hull. White rice, on the other hand, is left after the germ and bran layers are taken off. Along with these layers,
6 Reasons That Convince Us To Drink Lemongrass Tea
Lemongrass tea is all the rage and for good reason. This citrusy grass not only adds a delicious flavour and refreshing aroma to food, but it also has a ton of health benefits you don’t want to miss. This herb has been used in Ayurveda
5 Foods That Eat Belly Fat (They’re Probably In Your Kitchen Now!)
Fat on your stomach can be a hard thing to deal with. But according to Ayurveda, with the right lifestyle as well as a proper diet, there is nearly nothing you cannot beat. With the hundreds of options out there, picking the right food can
5 Successful Juicing Recipes For Fat Loss
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices work wonders for weight loss. Low in calories but high in vital nutrients, they’re just what you need to boost the effectiveness of your kilo shedding routine. In this article, we bring to you a selection of 5 successful juicing
6 Foods To Help Indigestion And Relieve Its Symptoms
Nearly all of us land up with an upset stomach once in a while. It most commonly results from consuming something wrong like a greasy leftover pizza, or drinking too many cups of coffee. You could also have indigestion because of certain kinds of medication,
6 Impressive Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium
Calcium is popular for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. But this mineral is also vital for other body functions – it helps your body contract muscles and carry out nerve impulses, it supports blood clotting, and also enables your heart to beat consistently.
5 Buttermilk Health Benefits You Probably Didn’t Know About!
Buttermilk, known as ‘chaas’ in India, is a tangy drink derived from milk. It has the goodness of nutrients like vitamin A, B and C, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and zinc. In Ayurveda, it’s considered a power food that balances all 3 doshas and nourishes