If you knew about these fantastic pine nuts benefits, you’d be munching on a bunch every day. Where do pine nuts come from? Well, you can get them from over 20 species of the pine nut tree! Humans have cultivated them for many thousand years.
What Is Rhubarb? Here Are Recipes & Health Benefits
What is rhubarb? It is a spring fruit. This European delicacy looks much like celery and has big poisonous leaves. The plant is however considered medicinal. Rhubarb season is pretty short i.e. from April to June. And rhubarb recipes like pie, pudding, and cakes are quite popular
Olive Oil Benefits: The Ideal Oil For Health & Beauty
The olive oil uses are recognised all over the world. In India, it is known as ‘jaitun ka tel’ and has made a comfortable place in our kitchens too. The olive oil benefits are so many, that it has earned the name ‘liquid gold’. How
What Is The Best Food For Digestion? Here Are 9!
In Ayurveda, healthy digestion is considered vital for good health. And it’s a no-brainer that by eating healthy food, you can significantly improve the health of your digestive system. So, what’s the best food for digestion? Here are 9 answers. What Is The Best Food
6 Reasons To Start Drinking Karela a.k.a Bitter Gourd Juice
Bitter gourd is also called bitter melon, bitter squash, and karela in India, is a super-healthy fruit. As the name suggests, it’s rather bitter to taste. But once you discover the incredible range of benefits you can reap from drinking bitter gourd juice, we bet
6 Foods To Include In Your Gastritis Diet And 5 To Avoid
Gastritis results from the inflammation or erosion of the stomach lining. Common gastritis causes are infection, bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract, unhealthy diet, reaction to medication, improper lifestyle, and even stress. But simply by managing your gastritis diet, you can find ways to manage
6 Reasons To Eat Soybeans – From Heart Health To Bone Strength
Native to Asia, soybeans are one of the most popular vegan foods, and for all the right reasons. They’re versatile. They taste great. And most importantly, they pack a whole bunch of nutrients like fibre, protein, calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. Here are 6
Top 8 Winter Fruits And Veggies To Load Up On
Ayurvedic experts always encourage eating seasonal fruits and vegetables. If the winter season’s got you wondering what foods are best to stack up on your kitchen shelf, this article will help. Here’s a list of 8 healthiest winter fruits and veggies. Top 8 Winter Fruits
Why Khichdi Is A Super Food (And How To Make It)
If you’ve lived with an Indian family for long enough, you are probably familiar with khichdi –sometimes spelled as ‘khichari’. This dish might just be the best comfort food humans have ever invented. Because it’s just as healthy for your body as it’s comforting to
6 Low GI Fruits Suitable For Diabetic Patients (And Some To Avoid)
Contrary to popular opinion, many diabetics can eat fruits. It’s just a question of portion size and what kinds of fruits suit you best. As a rule of thumb, you should look for food that is high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but low on