Bitter gourd, also called karela in India, is a true super food. Packed with powerful nutrients but low in calories, it makes an excellent addition to your daily diet. Karela in Ayurveda, it is considered a pacifier of Kapha and Pitta doshas. Without further ado,
6 Wonderful Reasons To Indulge In Watermelon Everyday
Ayurveda always encourages eating fruits on a daily basis. Watermelon is one of the favourite fruits in India, best enjoyed during summers. This sweet and juicy fruit is packed with the goodness of health-boosting nutrients. You can eat it as it is, add it to
Ever Eaten Graviola a.k.a Soursop? Here Are 6 Health Reasons To!
Soursop, also called graviola, is an incredibly healthy fruit belonging to the custard apple family. In many traditional healing systems including Ayurveda, various parts of the soursop plant come to use, such as the leaves, fruit and bark and seeds. One of the easiest ways
6 Reasons To Enjoy A Bowl Of Yummy Yogurt Everyday
Yogurt has been around for ages. This delicious dairy product offers quite a variety of health benefits you probably didn’t expect, such as lowering blood pressure and preventing illness. Though fermented foods generally classify as harmful foods in Ayurveda, yogurt is considered a sattvic food.
What’s So Special About Water Chestnuts a.k.a Singhara?
No, it’s not a nut, but an aquatic vegetable native to Asia! Water chestnuts are also called singhara in india. In Ayurveda, they have a pacifying effect on Pitta while increasing Vata and Kapha. Water chestnuts can be eaten raw, boiled, or turned into flour.
An Excellent Ayurvedic Food: 6 Tamarind Benefits For Health
Ayurvedic experts have made use of tamarind for hundreds of years. Known as ‘imli’ in india, the sweet and sour fruit forms a part of many indian recipes as well as Ayurvedic formulations. Tamarind has a pacifying effect on the Vata and Kapha doshas. On
What Are The Soy Milk Benefits For Health?
More and more people these days are turning to non-dairy milks. Soy milk is one of the most popular vegan choices and for good reason. Here are the top soy milk benefits worth knowing about… Soy Milk Benefits 1. Soy Milk Has Antioxidant Effects. When
The Incredible Benefits Of Nuts Ayurvedic Experts Want You To Know About
Nuts hold a very special place in the Ayurvedic diet, since they are highly nourishing for the body. These foods are tiny, but they pack a lot of power, making them a great addition to your daily diet. Most nuts are generally best for those
Why Ayurvedic Experts Recommend Eating Pumpkin Seeds
According to Ayurveda, pumpkin is a sattvic food. It has wonderful calming, grounding and clarifying properties, making it a much loved food especially when the weather gets cooler. This fruit balances Vata as well as Pitta. Pumpkin seeds are filled with nutrients that offer us
7 Fantastic Health Uses Of Raisins You Need To Know About
Dried fruit has a special place in the Ayurvedic diet. It’s added to sweet as well as savoury dishes. Raisins, made by drying grapes, are some of the most popular dried fruits in Ayurveda. Heavy and sweet, they pacify the Vata and Pitta doshas. Apart