Ayurvedic experts often advise adding beans to one’s diet. Especially as part of the vegetarian diet, they hold a lot of importance since they are a great source of protein. Black beans are a particularly powerful kind of bean that is packed with a range
Benefits Of Honey: A Golden Elixir For Your Health
Honey is believed to be a golden elixir worldwide and the benefits of honey are various. It holds special importance in the Ayurvedic texts. In olden times, honey was served to the Gods as a symbol of love. And in current times, honey still has the same
7 Must-Have Foods High In Iron To Curb The Deficiency
Iron is a very important nutrient required by our body to enhance cognitive function, prevent anaemia, fight infection, and to stay energetic among other things. Therefore, it’s important to eat plenty of foods high in iron – especially for women who have heavy menstrual flow.
8 Protein-Rich Foods For Vegetarians And Vegans
Meat free meals are cheaper, they are low in calories and are also good for your gut. But, what may ever be your reason for choosing vegetarianism or veganism, “where do you get your protein from?” is a common question you have to put up with. Yes, eggs
The 5 Best Dried Fruits – Is Your Favourite On The List?
Dried fruits have got a bad rap due to their high sugar content. But as often said in Ayurveda, even the healthiest food becomes poisonous when taken in excess. In moderation, dried fruits can be incredibly healthy – especially during cold winters. They are packed
Why Go Vegetarian? Here’s An Ayurvedic Perspective
Anyone familiar with Ayurveda would know that it promotes a vegetarian diet. Over 5,000 years old, this science of life recognises fresh, organic and plant-based foods as the best. However, milk products from happy, healthy cows also have a very special place in the Ayurvedic
6 Benefits Of Cauliflower Most People Will Be Surprised By!
Cruciferous vegetables are popular worldwide, thanks to their high nutritional value and low fat content. Among them, cauliflower is worth taking note of. In Ayurveda, it is considered best for those with Pitta and Kapha constitutions. So without further ado, let’s look at some of
Side Effects Of Dry Fruits: The Truth Will Surprise You!
When our mothers told us to grab a handful of dry fruits and munch on them on our way to work or college, we hated it. Yet, we incorporated it into our routine just for the sake of reaping the benefits. Raisins, prunes, and dates have always been those
6 Delightfully Surprising Pineapple Health Benefits
Pineapples are some of the most gorgeous as well as delicious fruits. Loaded with the goodness of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pineapples offer a host of health benefits worth reaping. Many traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda value this fruit as a natural remedy for health
Isabgol Benefits (Psyllium Husk): From Heart Health To Digestion & More
Isabgol (psyllium husk), also known as ashtabula in Ayurveda, is a traditional medicine that balances your doshas. The isabgol benefits include cooling, filling, and Vata-Pitta pacifying properties. In Indian households, the isabgol uses are pretty common – especially when it comes to using isabgol for