It’s from the last few decades that gluten intolerance or sensitivities have come to the forefront. As per Ayurveda, such a dietary response often shows up due to weakened Agni. It impairs the nutrient absorption as well as the distribution ability. Ama (toxin) accumulation forms sludge
Dietary Guidelines: Here’s A List Of Foods To Avoid Every Month

It’s an old Hindi proverb “चैते गुड़, वैसाखे तेल, जेठ के पंथ, अषाढ़े बेल। सावन साग, भादौ दही, कुवांर करेला, कार्तिक मही। अगहन जीरा, पूसै धना, माघे मिश्री, फागुन चना। जो कोई इतने परिहरै, ता घर बैद पैर नहीं धरै।” These lifestyle and dietary guidelines
Black Cardamom Health Benefits: From Skin To Stomach & More

Black cardamom a.k.a Badi elaichi in Hindi is a significant spice in Ayurveda. It’s easy on digestion, boosts metabolism and is bitter-pungent in taste. Although it vitiates Pitta, black cardamom benefits in balancing the Vata as well as Kapha dosha. What else? Keep reading… Black Cardamom
Acidic Foods: 12 Foods You Should Consume Carefully

A human body has a natural pH balance. The food we eat also has a pH level. While a majority of food products are alkaline in nature i.e. having a pH scale above 7, several foods are acidic too (below pH 7). So, here we
Best Foods To Eat At Night: Have These For Optimal Health

Eating before bed is nothing less than consuming poison especially when its late-night. Ayurveda advises people to eat a light dinner at least two hours before sleeping. There are certain foods that Ayurveda disapproves of eating at night. But, there also are some of the
Pumpkin Benefits: These Are What Make It A Healing Superfood

Pumpkins may not be everyone’s favorite, but it indeed is high in nutrition. Pumpkin benefits the body in various ways. And, it’s in fact much more than a Halloween symbol. Kids love to carve it but definitely not eat it. But, check out these health
10 Natural Vitamin-Rich Foods That You Must Add To Your Daily Diet

Considering today’s lifestyle, one must consume more vitamin-rich foods rather than gulping junk items. Ayurveda strictly bans eating excessively oily, spicy, and carbonated foods. Such meals destroy the natural sources of vitamins in the processing phase. Therefore, here is a list of the best foods
Best Indian Spices: Must-Haves On Your Healthy Shopping List

India is a country famous for its rich culture, absolute diversity, and tonnes of healing spices. The Indian spices are highly recommended by Ayurveda due to their medicinal qualities. Every authentic Indian spice market is said to be a massive apothecary. There’s a smell of
What Is Galangal? Here’s All You Need To Know About This Healing Spice!

What is galangal? Also commonly known as the Thai or Siamese ginger, galangal is an ingredient in its own. It’s a healing spice and also a curative plant overall. The root is more commonly used and it resembles ginger. But, its skin is more smooth
Raw Food Diet: Does Ayurveda Advise Eating Raw Food?

Does Ayurveda advise eating raw foods? And if so, what are the health benefits and effects on the doshas? The sages of ancient India lived a life meditating in caves and mountains. Surviving on a diet of wild plants, fruits, and seeds, they were fit