Can you imagine how much happier your skin would feel, if you pampered it with an all natural moisturizer? And what if I told you that the best natural body lotion is right in your kitchen?! No matter what the advertisements tell you, when it
Vegetables Good For Skin: Eat Wise, Stay Beautiful!

Are you equipped with the right vegetables for healthy skin? Such veggies are a beauty essential, without which your skin care regime is incomplete. They provide your skin with nutrients that can heal damage, make it glow as well as prevent early ageing. So, what
Ayurvedic Summer Skin Care Tips To Up Your Beauty Quotient

Changing seasons and harsh temperatures can really take a toll on our skin. The summer can bring with it a range of Pitta skin issues like acne, greasiness or dryness, rashes, and sun burn. But thanks to Ayurveda, there is a solution for every seasonal
Fruits For Healthy Skin: Boost Your Beauty From The Inside Out!

Ayurveda considers fruits an excellent beauty product. Fruits for healthy skin can help treat a whole lot of issues like acne, dullness, early signs of ageing, dryness, and blackheads. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and nourish your body with these fruits good
Home Remedies For Dry Hair: 6 Ways To Revitalise Your Tresses

If you’re in need of home remedies for dry hair, you’ve come to the right place. Ayurveda offers endless natural remedies for beauty woes. Pick your best treatment for dry hair from these: Home Remedies For Dry Hair 1. Coconut Oil: The Master Of Moisturisers
Virgin Olive Oil For Hair: 5 Benefits That Will Definitely Delight You

Is olive oil good for hair? A resounding yes! Olive oil has been used for its health benefits for several thousand years. It’s also an excellent ingredient to include in your hair care routine and it comes minus the side effects of store-bought cosmetics. Without
Ayurvedic Beauty Tips: Let Your Skin & Hair Radiate From Within

More and more women today are realising that make up isn’t the answer to beauty woes. They want to look naturally beautiful, and that’s great because Ayurveda’s beauty tips serve exactly that purpose. Ayurveda as we know has a holistic approach to everything. Ayurvedic beauty tips
Super-Easy DIY Cosmetics For Skin & Hair To Pamper Yourself With!

Ayurveda always encourages using natural products rather than chemials. That’s why we think DIY cosmetics are a must-try. DIY makeup as well as skin-and-hair care products let you have complete control over what you put into your body. They can be free of all those
How To Tighten Face Skin? Try These Amazing Home Remedies!

The skin on our face is pretty sensitive as compared to other areas of the body. Even a single change in one’s lifestyle shows up in the form of deterioration or beautification. However, if former is the case for you, the facial skin can easily
Best Clay Mask For Women: Ditch The Soap, Try These Three Face Clays!

A face clay mask helps make your skin soft, shiny, and supple. It gives you a healthy glow. So, using the best from the treasures of Ayurveda according to your dosha protects your skin, unlike harsh chemical based soaps that rip off your skin’s protective