In Ayurveda, wheatgrass juice benefits the body incredibly. Having immense healing properties, this power-packed drink is a natural blood purifier. It is 70% chlorophyll which supplies an ample amount of oxygen to all your body organs. Also, it’s a great source of protein along with
Camping Hacks & Tips: Camp Like A Champ The Ayurveda Way

Traveling fills you with vigor. It stimulates your senses. Simply a walk in the woods can leave you feeling revitalized. But, the oh-so-chaotic urban lifestyle just doubles up the woes, let along feeling rejuvenated. However, camping is one perfect idea – to connect with nature,
Which Is The Best Gluten-Free Flour? Here We Have 13!

It’s from the last few decades that gluten intolerance or sensitivities have come to the forefront. As per Ayurveda, such a dietary response often shows up due to weakened Agni. It impairs the nutrient absorption as well as the distribution ability. Ama (toxin) accumulation forms sludge
Best Yoga Music Compilation – We Have Everything For Everyone!

“Yoga music seduces our heart to awaken, to feel more deeply, boldly, and colorfully the preciousness of being human. ~ Sean Johnson You might prefer practicing in complete silence for a sensory break, but calming as well as exotic sounds, in fact, some relaxing yoga
Dietary Guidelines: Here’s A List Of Foods To Avoid Every Month

It’s an old Hindi proverb “चैते गुड़, वैसाखे तेल, जेठ के पंथ, अषाढ़े बेल। सावन साग, भादौ दही, कुवांर करेला, कार्तिक मही। अगहन जीरा, पूसै धना, माघे मिश्री, फागुन चना। जो कोई इतने परिहरै, ता घर बैद पैर नहीं धरै।” These lifestyle and dietary guidelines
Black Cardamom Health Benefits: From Skin To Stomach & More

Black cardamom a.k.a Badi elaichi in Hindi is a significant spice in Ayurveda. It’s easy on digestion, boosts metabolism and is bitter-pungent in taste. Although it vitiates Pitta, black cardamom benefits in balancing the Vata as well as Kapha dosha. What else? Keep reading… Black Cardamom
Ashtanga Yoga: 10 Poses To Keep Up With The Yogic Life

Yoga is a form of workout that tones the mind as well as the soul along with your body. It connects you to the universe and feeds you the truths of life. Ashtanga yoga is also one of those branches of yoga. But, what is
Women’s Health: Watch Out For The Common Problems Faced By Women

Women are powerful, beautiful, and successful. However, it is their own negligence that hinders their achievements and also daily routine. Women do not eat and rest properly while taking care of other people around. Several kinds of research show that women lack significant nutrients like
Acidic Foods: 12 Foods You Should Consume Carefully

A human body has a natural pH balance. The food we eat also has a pH level. While a majority of food products are alkaline in nature i.e. having a pH scale above 7, several foods are acidic too (below pH 7). So, here we
Best Foods To Eat At Night: Have These For Optimal Health

Eating before bed is nothing less than consuming poison especially when its late-night. Ayurveda advises people to eat a light dinner at least two hours before sleeping. There are certain foods that Ayurveda disapproves of eating at night. But, there also are some of the