We have many companions in life – friends, business partners, family members, spouses… While all of them play important roles in our life, one companion is the most long-lasting of them all – your own body. This is your true life partner. The ancient system
The Spiritual Benefits Of Silence That Can Change Your Life

The sages of ancient India have always encouraged taking a break from one’s daily life and spending time being quiet. Those who practised it have experienced the profound materialistic as well as spiritual benefits of silence and solitude. By reaping the spiritual benefits of silence, you
Ayurveda FAQs for a Better Life

When it comes to a holistic healthcare of an individual, multiple questions surround our minds. So, we start to look out for advice and often start off with the wrong approach. For instance, what are the benefits of yoga and meditation? What foods should one
“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place.”
– Bhagavad Gita
“Quiet the mind,
and the soul will speak.”
– Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
– Arthur Ashe
Pitta Diet Guide: What To Eat When You Have Too Much Heat?

There are three doshas (mind-body types) in Ayurveda, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Pitta dosha is the mind-body type dominated by fire and water. Aggravation of Pitta – meaning excess of fire and water – leads to a range of health problems, which we will
Kapha Diet: The Ultimate Diet Guide For Earth & Water Imbalance!

What does a Kapha diet contain? And what should Kapha folks eat less of? This diet guide for Kapha dosha tells you everything you need to know. What Is Kapha Dosha? There are three doshas (mind-body types) in Ayurveda, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Composed
“Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.”
– Diana Robinson
Joy and sorrow come to all. Sorrow brings depth and joy broadens our mind. We should serve in joy and sacrifice in sorrow.
– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar