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- 1. Carrots Promote Prana.
- 2. Carrots Are Good For Your Eyes.
- 3. Carrots Are Blood Purifiers.
- 4. Carrots Help In Digestion.
- 5. Carrots Help During Periods.
- 6. Carrots Are Great For Skin Health.
Carrots were earlier used for their seeds and aromatic leaves. But now it’s the juicy, nourishing root that’s a must-have in every kitchen. They are versatile as they can be used freshly cut, pickled, chutneyed, juiced, steamed, roasted…there are endless ways! Ayurveda loves this root veggie and considers it a Vata and Pitta pacifying food. Let’s take a look at the other fantastic health benefits of carrots.
Benefits Of Eating Carrots
1. Carrots Promote Prana.
There are many vitamins in carrots like A, K, C, and B vitamins. They also contain fibre and antioxidants. Since they have such nourishing properties, carrots classify as a prana-boosting and satvik food in Ayurveda. Carrots are even known as ‘tiny ginseng’, indicating that they are highly medicinal in nature.
2. Carrots Are Good For Your Eyes.
We have heard since childhood that carrots are good for eyesight. This is how…carrots are rich in beta-carotene, essential for Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency causes bad eyesight and even blindness. So the benefits of eating carrots are that we can enjoy good eyesight and be protected from macular degeneration as well as cataracts.
3. Carrots Are Blood Purifiers.
Purifying the blood and liver is one of the health benefits of carrots. They nourish the liver, purify blood and pacify Pitta. And when our blood is purified, it improves our complexion, boosts immunity, and supports healthy brain functioning. Pure blood is vital for a strong body.
4. Carrots Help In Digestion.
Another of the benefits of eating carrots is that they help in digesting your food better. When we chew on fresh and juicy carrots, we tend to salivate more and this helps in supplying precious vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for proper digestion. So make sure you include them in your daily diet.
5. Carrots Help During Periods.
Oh, those difficult monthly periods. How we dread them. And worse if they are irregular. But if you are looking for a natural way to regulate them and get relief from those awful cramps, go for carrots. A fresh carrot juice or warm carrot soup is sure to help. So keep them in stock when that time of the month is near, and you’ll have a much easier experience!
6. Carrots Are Great For Skin Health.
Since they soothe Vata and Pitta aggravation, carrots also treat associated skin problems like redness and dry skin. Moreover, the beta carotene, Vitamin C, and other antioxidants in them protect our cells from damage, age spots, pigmentation, blemishes, and dry skin. So if your skin suffers from any of these issues, do not skip these orange tubers.
With all the health benefits of carrots you’ve just discovered, you are sure to munch on these humble roots a lot more!
Note: Articles on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness on natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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