It is really satisfying to have a home full of happy people, reduced negativity, clean air to breath and a feeling of rejuvenation! But how does one achieve the aura of basking positivity along with noticeably improved health and wellbeing? The answer in itself is
Ayurveda for Weight Loss: Goodbye Obesity, Hello Happiness!

When you start cutting yourself from the outside world, when you start wearing those loose and baggy clothes and when the physical appearance begins to bother you, it is time for some self-analyzation! You might be risking your health to an epidemic called Obesity, a
Ayurvedic tips for hair growth & thickening

Are severe disturbances and extreme stress bothering you too much? Is inadequate nutrition and/ or hormonal imbalance somehow becoming a part and parcel of your lifestyle? Do you know, these symptoms can lead to a condition where you start losing your beautiful & healthy hair
Winter skin care tips for being body beautiful

Personally, the winter sun is my favourite. This season is in itself a pursuit of happiness. It makes my soul feel fresh and alive. But unfortunately, my skin doesn’t respond the same way. And this is a relatable experience during winters for most of us.
Wrong bathing technique can be life threatening

Have you ever witnessed or heard about how babies and toddlers keep trembling but their mothers feel that the kids are afraid of the bath routine or how elderly people sometimes become a victim of paralysis, brain hemorrhage or a heart attack that too while bathing?
12 Expert Tips on How to Wake Up Early

For most of us, the toughest part of every morning is simply getting out of our beds. And falling out of it aimlessly is the most terrible way to motivate yourself for getting out of that cozy corner! Though initially, we all face problems in
8 Proven Benefits of Turmeric

People constantly keep raving about their love for the flavourful Indian foods, spices and herbs. The delightful tastes tantalize their taste buds and leave a long lasting impression. Apart from enhancing the enjoyment of dishes these spices also possess medicinal properties along with multiple health
What happens if you drink cold water?

A majority of us wish to start our day with that hot mug of coffee or a cup of strong tea. But when it comes to “drinking water”, we choose to grab that cold bottle. Ayurveda suggests that cold drinks including cold water can cause more harm than
Understanding Kapha Dosha – Earth & Water

Kapha Dosha is weighty amongst all the three doshas. It comprises of the earth and water properties. Embodying lubrication, structure, and stability that our body needs, these characteristics help equalize Vata’s movement & Pitta’s metabolism. Functions Kapha dosha relates to being steady, loyal and compassionate
Understanding Pitta Dosha – Fire & Water

Digestion is a very critical aspect of one’s health and Pitta dosha is the one that governs this metabolism along with other heat related things. Pitta is a combination of the Fire (Agni) and Water (Jal) elements. This is the “dosha of transformation”. And wherever