Are you bothered by a constant tickle in the throat? Are the discomforts of an itchy throat hindering your daily routine? Tickling as well as itchiness in the throat is quite common, but what causes it? And more importantly, how can you treat the condition? Ayurveda has
7 Anulom Vilom Pranayama Side Effects: An Ayurvedic View

Anulom Vilom is said to be a crowing exercise that’s preferred by all Ayurvedic and yogic experts. It is assumed to be as one of the universal solutions that effectively aid all the healing processes. Such a wonderful tool, yet there are Anulom Vilom Pranayama side effects.
5 Rose Water Benefits for Staying Beautiful Inside-Out

Rose water is an integral part of one’s beauty regimen, and it’s not just great for women but also for men and kids. It is a phenomenal creation and has tremendous benefits. Making use of rose water is a very different therapy and is unlike using
Keep Your Gut Guilt-Free: 7 Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

Fitness is something that everyone should have access to. It is absolutely simply, inexpensive, and uplifting. But, all of it includes one important aspect: keeping your gut guilt-free! However, the fast food trend in on an increase, mindful eating is on a decline and on-the-go
Brain Fog: Ayurvedic Approach Towards Sure-Shot Treatment

Brain fog is not a disease. It is a symptom that signifies other illnesses. The condition, therefore, refers to cognitive issues like poor memory retention, reduced focus and concentration, and unclarity in other brain functions. In Ayurveda, brain fog is a problem of the Vata dosh,
Asafoetida Health Benefits: #6 Is A Must-Know!

Hing or asafoetida is a traditional culinary ingredient that has a pretty unpleasant smell as well as taste. Yet, it has immense health benefits and is also a very popular home remedy for bloating, among many others. Used in just a pinch size, asafoetida health benefits are much more
Health Benefits of Chenopodium Leaves (Bathua) – A Green Blessing

Loaded with tremendous health benefits, lamb’s quarters has medicinal uses along with being a winter superfood. Chenopodium Album (scientific name) is also commonly called as Bathua leaves in Hindi and lamb’s quarters in English. This medicinal plant has a pretty undeserved status despite its wondrous and
Black Walnut Benefits For A Healthier And Superior Life

Did you know what black walnut uses are, apart from making your breakfast crunchy? The kernels can be used in several ways as they are highly nutritious. Black walnut benefits by enhancing your brain power, eliminating parasites from the body, moisturizing your skin as well
A Sweet Tooth Can Be Dangerous. Here’s How To Stop Eating Sugar!

If you find yourself craving sweets frequently in the day, you have a sweet tooth. The sweetness of sugar activates the production of endorphins that are responsible for lightening up your mood. Sugar cravings are, therefore, a sign that you are either addicted to sugar or
Eczema Symptoms & Ayurvedic Treatment

Eczema refers to a skin disease that causes the skin moisture to reduce, creating paths for bacteria to penetrate the skin. Eczema symptoms lead to rough skin that’s also dry, scarred (eczema rashes), and red. However, these symptoms may also be observed in a person