Yoga, world’s spiritual as well as ascetic discipline, is an absolute relaxation and relieving practice. It stretches as well as contracts, all the bodily muscles to reduce the symptoms of several ailments that we face every day. Piles is one such issue that many people
How To Treat Dry Lips? Avoid These Everyday Habits!

Chapped lips, most of the times, are due to a lack of moisture in the body. Dehydration can be because of several critical reasons. But, certain everyday habits too become a significant reason for dry lips. So, how to treat dry lips? Avoid these things that affect
7 Excellent Home Remedies For Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is caused due to a bacterial infection that not only spreads internally but also from one person to another. Once diagnosed, a properly guided treatment can ease out the symptoms. Till then, home remedies for typhoid work effectively to treat the symptoms and
5 Effective Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Chickenpox

Chickenpox is a contagious disease that usually affects the kids between 1 to 10 years of age. However, it can also appear in adults, since chickenpox is a viral infection that does not easily expel from one’s system. Poor immunity, sensitive skin, local infections or prolonged illnesses can
Rickets Treatment In Ayurveda Is Possible – This Is How!

Rickets is a disorder of the skeletal system that’s caused due to the deficiency of vitamins, calcium, and phosphate. What vitamin deficiency causes rickets? The deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets because vitamin D is responsible for absorbing calcium and phosphate from the intestines. It leads
5 Nervous Breakdown Symptoms You Must Pay Attention To!

Distress surrounds us all throughout life. Be it regarding our work or in the personal sphere, there’s a difficulties arise often. When unmanageable, they eventually pile up on each other – this can lead to nervous breakdown symptoms. What Is A Nervous Breakdown? A mental or nervous breakdown
Yoga For A Cough: An Absolute Cure With Ayurveda

Having cough and cold is one of the most unpleasant experiences throughout one’s lifetime. However, nothing can cure your problems the way breathing exercises and yoga poses for cough can! They help phlegm drain out of your body, and thus also get rid of toxins. Yoga for a cough
Is There Any Reliable Yoga Pose For Fever? Here Are 5!

Viral infections attack our immune system to cause a fever cough and cold. As a result, the body temperature starts to increase, you witness severe body pain along with a sore throat and not to forget the most frustrating symptom, running nose. However, some stretching
Important Ayurvedic Cooking Recommendations To Enhance Your Vitality

Cooking is definitely an art. And the one who can master the basics knows how to innovatively make way towards a healthier lifestyle. When you understand that your body is a vehicle through which you can manifest a fulfilling life, Ayurvedic cooking is a great
6 Magnesium-Rich Foods To Include In Your Daily Diet

Magnesium is an important mineral that needs to be a part of your daily diet. However, many people have insufficient amounts of this nutrient. Fortunately, there are a lot of magnesium-rich foods that can help you meet your daily magnesium requirements. Health Benefits Of Magnesium