Discoloration of the skin around the ankles is a pretty common problem for a majority of us. Due to reasons like friction and excessive moisture, the skin starts deteriorating. Poor blood circulation, irritation caused by shoes and wearing socks that are rough or for a
What Is Collagen And What Are The Collagen Boosting Foods?

It’s no news that a decline in collagen levels degenerates the skin cells. This decline happens naturally as we age. So, it’s important to rebuild our collagen levels with the right kind of food – which we will talk to you about in this post. But first, we’ll
Did You Know About These Almond Milk Side Effects?

Almond milk is one of the reliable options when you are switching over to the organic side. It is absolutely healthy and contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. However, everything has another side. Yes, even almond milk can prove unhealthy for some of you. And here is what
Watch Out For These 6 Seasonal Diseases In The Summers

A major reason for the outbreak of seasonal diseases in the summers is the favorable breeding conditions for different bacteria and viruses. Some bacteria become more prominent than the others and lead to unhealthy conditions for human being. So no matter where you live, certain diseases caused in the summer season
Go Nutilicious: Best Nuts To Lower Cholesterol Significantly

A healthy diet helps you curb several health problems, like cholesterol and blood pressure. A sensible move is to eat nuts, which is great for your heart. Incorporate the best nuts in your everyday diet along with the right fruits and veggies. This way, you can snack your way towards better
These Natural Remedies For Piles Can Heal The Symptoms Effectively

What are piles? It’s a health condition that’s not easily discussed! But, it can be a real struggle. Piles is nothing more than swollen blood vessels that develop around the anus. Internal veins contract the infection and obstruct the passage of stool. What causes piles? Things like constipation, consumption
What Causes Nail Fungus In The Toes? Here’s What You Need To Know!

Onychomycosis, especially pertaining to the toenail is a common fungal condition that’s categorized by a swollen toe, inflammation, nail thickening as well as crumbling. But, what causes nail fungus? It results due to an abnormal pH level of the skin, prolonged exposure to moisture, compromised
Natural Painkillers That Effectively Heal The Bodily Inflammations

Every time you pick a new healthy food to include in your diet, it does something good to your body. However, certain foods are more powerful to keep you protected against several bodily ailments – superfoods that fight inflammation. Here are 8 of the best anti-inflammatory foods
This Is How To Increase The Chances Of Getting Pregnant Faster

This is a matter of great concern for couples who are failing to conceive a baby. Conventional medicine is one treatment method for infertility. However, Ayurveda has its own take on this issue. When you resort to Ayurvedic treatments, they offer you natural ways to
Sun Tan Removal For Kids – Natural & Effective Home Remedies

Skin tanning isn’t just a common scenario among men and women, but is also prevalent amongst kids. Their skin is delicate and get more exposed to direct sunlight when they play. The Sun exposure damages their skin and creates unevenness. Sun Tan Removal For Kids 1. Tan Removal For